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    Blueice22's Avatar Active Member
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    Blood DK PvP Guide

    *This is my first guide so it may suck a little bit... Just bare with me lol*

    PvP on a Blood Spec DK is a sight to behold... Equip your PvP gear, hit your Blood spec and then lets get going.

    Here are a few things you want to remember while PvP'ing as blood.

    1. Watch your CD's and make sure you pair them with the other appropriate CD's.

    2. Make sure you are not popping CD's needlessly.

    3. Please remember that this is not for high damage (although you will have some big crits)... You are there JUST to keep the opposite faction occupied.

    Spec: WoW Talent Calculator - Sigrie [33/6/2]

    You can change this up as needed but I always recommend getting Lichborne as this is something else you can heal with. This link also shows the glyphs which I feel are best... Again, use your own judgment and adjust to your play style.

    The biggest thing you are doing as blood is running in to a big group of people, singling out the healers, and keeping them locked down while your team rapes everything else standing (You may want to duck down if they get that bloodlust look in their eyes). While your damage output isn't great against people... it is more then enough to keep a healer occupied with heals on themselves wasting mana. Also keeping a Dark Simulacrum up on a Mage before they CC or a Warlock before a fear is a huge bonus to keeping the healer locked down. (Yes any spell that uses mana can be cast by you with this. Ring of Frost, Pally wings, etc....)

    You also have your interrupts and silence. These are very essential for keeping the healer locked out of their heals long enough that they need to blow their big heals on themselves and when you are going against a healer as blood try to keep as many Necrotic Strikes on them as possible (When that 30k crit heal is healing you... they tend to get pissed).

    Once you run in, a lot of people are going to be focusing on you. You want to make sure that your Bone Shield is on you as much as possible. This is a 20% reduction to the damage you are taking. Upon your initial rush in you are probably going to be confronted with a lot of people all attacking you. Icebound Fortitude is great to pop around this initial burst as this is another 50% reduction to the damage you take, as well as Dancing Rune Weapon (if there is a lot of melee) and Anti-Magic Shield.

    CD's to pop together when you are low on health: Raise dead, Vampiric Blood, and Lichborne. All of these combined will give you a shit ton of self-healing by performing the following:

    Death Pact, Death Strike, Death Coil (healing yourself with it while Lichborne is active). It is very easy to heal yourself from 10% to 100% in a matter of seconds by yourself.

    Now that we have the CD's out of the way.... Lets get to the good stuff.

    Unfortunately there is no end all macro that I can give you for this. But one thing you have to remember at all times. Disease your healer, spread it, then Icy Chains and Death Grip as needed. Also keep your blood boil on every person you can hit with it as it provides a 10% reduction to the amount of damage they do for 30 seconds.

    As a Blood Spec DK in PvP your biggest asset to your team is that you don't take a lot of damage, you are a bitch to CC, and you have a lot of interrupts and a silence.

    You will normally keep your Runic power at or near 100 of 130 for the increased damage from Death Strike as this and Heart Strike are your big damage dealers here. The only time you are going to burn this is on your own heals and when you need to do a lot of damage to a healer by spamming Rune Strike.

    This is, essentially, all there is to it for BG's. Now as far as using this in Arenas or in world PvP.... It really isn't recommended as you don't have a lot of high damage for big bursts (although it is not bad for 5v5's).

    If anyone else has anything you would like to add to this just PM me or post it on here and I will get it added ASAP!

    UPDATE: I was completely wrong about 2v2's... This spec DK and a feral druid are absolutely amazing together.
    Last edited by Blueice22; 12-31-2010 at 03:49 AM.

    Blood DK PvP Guide
  2. #2
    Zoidberg's Avatar Elite User
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    This looks damn awesome.
    Will rep and ask questions when im back on my PC.
    Quick question though, how well does this work on single targets?

    Sent from my Galaxy S

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  3. #3
    Blueice22's Avatar Active Member
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    As long as it is not a pally healer it is great for 1v1.... Although in world PvP it gets a bit tricky if others start getting involved. You will pretty much be able to run any healer OOM except for a pally and anything but a frost mage is cake with this.

  4. #4
    melkbus's Avatar Member
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    nice guide but i would pref going for [hand of doom] instead of [scarlet fever] since mellee won't kill you anyway and our silence one of the best is in-game with this talent only 1 min cd.
    will try this out playing dk and feral 2vs2 +rep
    And for pvp i suggest taking [glyph of strangulate] witch increase duration of silence by 2 sec if it interrupts something.(7sec silence hurts a lot)
    and since i didn't take scarlet fever i would change [glyph of blood boil] for [glyph of anti magic shell] (awesome vs mages 7 sec no slow)

    my specc :

    anyway nice guide
    Last edited by melkbus; 12-31-2010 at 06:09 AM.

  5. #5
    comanderx14's Avatar Member
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    I know you put alote of time into this but srly...

    Blood is Fail for arena, bg's, fails at every duel apart from melee and does next to no damage. The only people i know who do blood pvp fail at pvp in general it's like playing a prot pally tank for pvp in wrath, all you're doing is making dk's into a stereotype.

    As long as it is not a pally healer it is great for 1v1.... Although in world PvP it gets a bit tricky if others start getting involved. You will pretty much be able to run any healer OOM except for a pally and anything but a frost mage is cake with this.
    Now i know you dont do top end pvp or even mid range cause everything you said is almost wrong.
    A good druid will never oom to a DK once he has lots of res.

    Although in world PvP it gets a bit tricky if others start getting involved.
    Thats because You're usles and cant dps cause all you do is heal, so if anyone trains you there idiots.

    You will pretty much be able to run any healer OOM except for a pally and anything but a frost mage is cake with this
    I'm guesing you're about -1500 rating cause any decent player will have no probs killing a blood dk, only class that might have trouble is a melee.
    Last edited by comanderx14; 12-31-2010 at 07:20 PM.

  6. #6
    Blueice22's Avatar Active Member
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    Well considering that the 2v2 team that I just started yesterday is at 2k rating already and we are sitting at about 80 wins now... It's not that bad I would think. Also blood does not do a lot of damage... you are correct. But when you are beating the shit out of a healer and keeping them locked down in 2's.... yeah that makes it a cakewalk. Thank you very much for your opinion though. You can just leave it right by the door if you don't mind....

  7. #7
    Forgiving's Avatar Contributor
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    Why pvp as blood when its kinda like the new tank spec? tons o health and it regenrates and stuff?

  8. #8
    comanderx14's Avatar Member
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    Well considering that the 2v2 team that I just started yesterday is at 2k rating already and we are sitting at about 80 wins now... It's not that bad I would think. Also blood does not do a lot of damage... you are correct. But when you are beating the shit out of a healer and keeping them locked down in 2's.... yeah that makes it a cakewalk. Thank you very much for your opinion though. You can just leave it right by the door if you don't mind....
    2k is not high its low-mid pvp, every arena season the rating gets easier about 100 points hence the new change to the arena achievements 2k is more like 1600.

    1k-2k low
    2k-2.4k mid - high
    2.4k-3k high

    For 2v2 its just lol, 2k is like 1500. This stuff might work on noobs but only noobs, you will be running around doing 0 damage why they drop your healer in a set up with you not being able to make any pressure or cc as blood to stop it, this is a noob spec and always will be.

  9. #9
    Blueice22's Avatar Active Member
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    meh we still aren't having any issues. Top 2v2 teams right now are frost mage and rogue... and we don't have any problems with them.

  10. #10
    Anti-Tcb's Avatar Site Donator
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    I'm trying to wrap my mind around why you didn't pick up Hand of Doom.

  11. #11
    Blueice22's Avatar Active Member
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    I didn't pick it up because I normally use strangulate once per game and normally just use mind freeze. I actually have a little bit of a different spec that I use now which does use hand of doom and glyph of strangulate as in the higher brackets there are lot of casters that need to be locked down and it makes it easier to do that.

  12. #12
    Proxes's Avatar Member
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    Frost dps and pvp ftw

  13. #13
    Kardus's Avatar Member
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    Blood is not much of viable pvp spec at all. It MAYBE might work with something like a hunter or rogue but that's the extent of it. Not enough utility and very lacking with damage. Never say never but I don't see any blood dk comps performing well over 2k, 2.2k would probably be your ceiling if you are exceptional players. It would be OK for botting BGs with it, since you could stay alive longer at get more hks. You'll also win most duels just because you can essentially heal as much as any healer and still do subpar damage to outlast someone. Frost is now what is used for 5s/some double dps comps, and unholy is used for 99% of healing comps or 2s/3s with control.

    Originally Posted by comanderx14 View Post
    2k is not high its low-mid pvp, every arena season the rating gets easier about 100 points hence the new change to the arena achievements 2k is more like 1600.

    1k-2k low
    2k-2.4k mid - high
    2.4k-3k high

    For 2v2 its just lol, 2k is like 1500. This stuff might work on noobs but only noobs, you will be running around doing 0 damage why they drop your healer in a set up with you not being able to make any pressure or cc as blood to stop it, this is a noob spec and always will be.
    ^ This post couldn't be any more inaccurate from a general point of view. To start off I would just like to say that I realise you can't get titles from 2s but they are still a decent indication of how good or bad players/a comp is. I find the previous post absurd. For example you can't generalise 2.4-3k as 'high'. Based on the approximate gladiator cutoff (top 0.5% percent of the whole battlegroup) for last season was in the mid ~2600 range, i.e. a few hundred teams in the region. Of that 0.5% (absolutely small amount statistically) alone, a few dozen of them barely break 100+ rating more let alone higher (typically the people who play competitively or are sponsored). The difference between 2700 and 3k is immense and what separates amazing pvpers from the godly ones. And if you want to look at 2s ratings, the top 'average; team ratings were even significantly less than the typical 3s/5s ratings because 2s is both imbalanced/gives you no rewards.

    Duelist is 0.5% - 3%, rival is 3-10% and challenger (the typical rank of a casual/semi good arena player) is 10-35%. These ranks are all statistically derived from a general bell curve of typical outcomes. I play on a battlegroup that is fairly average, and I believe 1900 barely got someone a challenger title. Essentially what you're saying is that your rating is only 'high' if you are within approximately the top <2% of teams around..which is just not the case considering 1/200 TEAMS (approximately 1/700-800 people that do arena, underestimate) are the only ones who are ever going to get that high.

    1500 is still the rating you need to get any sort of point cap increase. 0-1500 is negligible since it's so easy to get, however ~ 1850-2.2k is still miles ahead (generally in the top 10-35% of teams) of the average arena player, statistically...
    Last edited by Kardus; 01-02-2011 at 03:26 AM.

  14. #14
    naughtier's Avatar Active Member
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    thanks for the guide.
    btw commanderx14 must certainly be pro. pros are always aggressive

  15. #15
    makasante's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    This is a great guide +rep! Although you could make it even better by adding desired stats eg. for gemming/reforging.
    Anyways, cheers man, was actually searching for ages just a few days ago for a guide like this!

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