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  1. #1
    BaboonX's Avatar Contributor
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    How To Take Over Auction House with Proffesions

    Making gold on WoW has never been easier for me at the moment. I use to farm all my gold either with mining or killing mobs.. But now markets are crashing due to mining bots and frozen orbs.. So, I decided to figure out a way to make massive gold with my enchanting. I made gold with enchanting before, but not in bulk.

    Now, you're probably thinking this is only for enchanters.. Wrong, this will work with any crafting profession. I made enchanting scrolls because I'm a enchanting, but, if you're a scribe you can make glyphs, or if you're a JC you can make gems.. Etc.

    Now that you get the idea, let me break it down for you step by step.

    Addons Needed

    Quick Auctions
    This addon will allow you to mass post and cancel auctions you where undercut on easily. It takes a while to set up perfectly, but, ounce you have it set up, it's worth it. Trust me. This addon is a must.
    Quick Auctions 3 - Addons - Curse

    Addon to Buy Auctions Easily
    There are many addons to do this. Probably the best one I have found is Auctionator, with this addon it allows you to see all the auctions of a item you searched for and buy the cheapest ones. You can make shopping lists so it's easy to search for all the items you need.
    Auctionator - Addons - Curse

    A addon I also like to use is Auctioneer, you can set up snatch to buy all items under a certain price. IE, you can snatch infinite dust for under 50s.
    Auctioneer - Addons - Curse

    Setting Up Quick Auctions

    Now that you have Quick Auctions installed, you need to set it up. Depending on what item you're selling, you'll want to use different settings. I'm going to explain what settings you need to change in order to make using quick auctions worth it.

    First thing you'll need to do is find the item(s) you want to craft and make profit. To do this, simply go to the auction house and search for the matts needed to craft certain items and then see if you'll make profit (simple math). Ounce you've found the item(s) you want to craft, buy the matts and start crafting!

    Ounce you're done crafting open up quick options config by typing "/qa config".

    Click item groups and make a new group. It doesn't matter what you name it. Ounce that's done, click on the group you just made. Then click "add item". You can add items individually or mass add items by typing in a common keyword (for example, you can type in glyph, and it will add all items in your bags that have the word glyph in it). You should try to add items around the same price range in a group. Make a second group for maybe the more expensive crafted items.

    Now that you have your group created, go to auction settings, and feel free to change the settings how you like. But I'll give you some things you really need to change.
    • Override Undercut - change this to 1 copper by typing in 1c next to it and hitting enter. This will undercut all auctions by 1 copper.
    • Override Threshold - you really should change this. Changing this makes it so when someone posts a item under this price, it will use you're fallback price instead of undercutting him. So, say you're posting a glyphs and you can only make profit if the glyphs sell for 6g, then you should change the override threshold to 6g.
    • Fall Back Price - this makes it so when someone posts under your Override Threshold it will use this price instead. So, again, if you can only make profit if your glyphs are selling for 6g+, you should make your fall back price 6g+.

    Start Posting

    Now that you have everything set up, go to the auction house, click auctions, and at the top you'll see "post", click this, and all the items in your groups are magically posted. Then every now and then , go to the auction house and hit the cancel button (it's near the post button) and it will cancel all your auctions that you're undercut on if the items are in your groups.

    Thanks for reading, hope this helps out some of you. I really wanted to make a guide that can appeal to everyone regardless of there professions. To many guides out there only appeal to people that have certain professions.
    Last edited by BaboonX; 05-26-2010 at 08:24 PM.

    How To Take Over Auction House with Proffesions
  2. #2
    bopper54's Avatar Member
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    Wow, So basically you're saying make stuff then sell it? Could you be more specific. Like level up any profession and sell the stuff you can make? I would have never guessed this is how you make gold in WOW.

    I have some more tips. Keep this to yourself so that others don't figure this out.

    If you kill mobs and loot them they drop gold and items you can sell. My favorite is to buy stuff cheap either in trade or AH and sell it for more. You can also level up fishing and either sell the fish or cook them and make a profit on the ah.

  3. #3
    BaboonX's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by bopper54 View Post
    Wow, So basically you're saying make stuff then sell it? Could you be more specific. Like level up any profession and sell the stuff you can make? I would have never guessed this is how you make gold in WOW.

    I have some more tips. Keep this to yourself so that others don't figure this out.

    If you kill mobs and loot them they drop gold and items you can sell. My favorite is to buy stuff cheap either in trade or AH and sell it for more. You can also level up fishing and either sell the fish or cook them and make a profit on the ah.
    I've been making 5k+ gold every week doing this with enchanting matts, logging in 2 times a day for like 10 minutes. The sad thing is, hardly anyone is doing it.. So I decided to share this method. It's sure to help those that mass craft items for gold and make there lives A LOT easier. I just found out this addon and it helped me out so much, I'm able to post 100+ auctions in a click of a button, and, at the same time, cancel them if i'm undercut with a click of a button.

    Making gold in WoW is really common sense, but there are good methods and techniques to making even more gold, guides are to teach these methods and techniques.

    But anyway, I was bound to get comments like this.. Trolls will be trolls.
    Last edited by BaboonX; 05-26-2010 at 10:06 AM.

  4. #4
    makasante's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by BaboonX View Post
    But anyway, I was bound to get comments like this.. Trolls will be trolls.
    But he has a point, how are you making your money? Are you buying the enchanting mats for cheap and then reselling them? Or are you farming them?

  5. #5
    BaboonX's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by makasante View Post
    But he has a point, how are you making your money? Are you buying the enchanting mats for cheap and then reselling them? Or are you farming them?
    What I do is I buy a bunch of enchant mats and make enchanting scrolls. I make every scroll that makes me profit, even some BC and Prebc enchants.

    EVERY SERVER IS DIFFERENT, that's why I didn't make this guide so specific. Some servers you can get profit making X on others.. You lose profit. If you want the most effective way to make gold, you'll need to do your own numbers and your own items. This guide just shows you how to mass post and handle a lot of auctions quickly

    You didn't read the whole guide did you? Because it has nothing to do with enchanting.
    Last edited by BaboonX; 05-26-2010 at 02:22 PM.

  6. #6
    makasante's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by BaboonX View Post
    I've been making 5k+ gold every week doing this with enchanting matts.
    Originally Posted by BaboonX View Post
    You didn't read the whole guide did you? Because it has nothing to do with enchanting.
    I did read it, that quote is why i was asking about whether or not you were buying and selling enchanting mats, and thanks for the tips

  7. #7
    Yamaki's Avatar Contributor
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    I think the reason you're receiving so much criticism is because the title is a bit misleading. Your guide is more of an auction house guide than a profession guide. There is a lot of information about how to sell what you make, but essentially none on what to make or what to buy. I think a more appropriate title would be "Easy AH posting/management techniques"

  8. #8
    Heftydogg's Avatar Contributor

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    Hold up, hold up... I can pick professions for my toon in WoW? And he can become a grand master and make things other people need for cash?

    In all seriousness this thread has been common sense, and a repost. Simply typing "auction house" in the search will yield 4 years of results saying "Use auction house! Make moneyz!"
    Besides this site, I've also seen your addon list featured on, and *************.com.

  9. #9
    oosanders's Avatar Member
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    +rep for the post.
    although mat prices are low as Disenchanting is easier then ever in Groups

  10. #10
    dfk's Avatar Contributor
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    how do you post items one by one its not working right for me it puts everything at 1c wtf.. where is the help!

  11. #11
    ßetray's Avatar Contributor
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    ALL of these addons and basic ideas you listed have been posted MANY times before. These addons have been out forever and people know how to use them. Therefor you are bringing very little new tips/tricks to the game and nothing specific at that.

  12. #12
    TinusNED's Avatar Banned
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    Just an bad guide on how to use QA 3 ...
    Next time explain clearly what all functions do.

    Threshold isn't something that will make you post your fallback when the market price is below this.

    Threshold is the minimum price items are posted at, if the market price is below you're treshold you won't post UNLESS you have auto fallback on.\

    And by 1c undercutting you aint taking over the market, it will only allow more people in the market because the prices stay high, an 10g+ undercut is more effectly if you have a steady supply of raw mats like I do, I get soo many whispers in the Netherweave Market because I post bags at 8g while the market price is 15-20g, simply because I buy loads of netherweave cloth for 2g per stack, thus im still making 6g profit.
    Last edited by TinusNED; 05-31-2010 at 10:23 AM.

  13. #13
    Tuckerboy5's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by ßetray View Post
    ALL of these addons and basic ideas you listed have been posted MANY times before. These addons have been out forever and people know how to use them. Therefor you are bringing very little new tips/tricks to the game and nothing specific at that.
    No? Iv never heard of Quick Auctions 3, he has introduced it to me.. +Rep when I can for the list of addons

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