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  1. #1
    Purge's Avatar Member
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    In Depth Class / Raid Guides

    Though this isn't a specific guide per se, I haven't seen this posted here. Chances are it's because this place is common knowledge, but even so I found it useful so though I might as well post it here.

    There's no manipulating WoW or glitches going on here, just plain, straight, in depth guides.

    Click HERE - the site is TankSpot, which I have been using for a while now, if ever you're not sure on what gear you should be aiming for, how to down a certain boss, or the mechanics of a certain class in general, all the answers will be on a guide there somewhere.

    I know this is probably a tad useless to some, but I thought it would be helpful to those who have never heard of the site before.

    In Depth Class / Raid Guides
  2. #2
    expecto's Avatar Member
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    this site is great to get an idea of the raids available. +raep

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