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    guitargod218's Avatar Banned
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    The Ultimate Guide to Farming the Time-Lost Proto Drake

    //**Disclaimer** - Do NOT under any circumstances copy and post this guide onto 
    another website, nor take credit for creating this guide. If you want to put 
    this on another site, please send me a PM and ask me for permission. Unless 
    I have a specific reason not to, I’m almost guaranteed to say yes to your 
    //*Note* - This is a guide made up of a lot of compiled information from
    websites such as WoWhead and Thottbot, along with programs made by a fellow 
    MMOwned member. Please do NOT say “____ section is a repost”. I know people 
    have stated certain things before, hence it being a complete noob’s guide 
    collected from everything I know. And this guide is definitely not a repost
    as I just wrote it the morning of 08/04/2009, as the user guitargod218 for the 
    //If I forget to give you credit, and what I “took” from you is worth crediting 
    (I don’t want to hear, “I was the first to say he spawns in Storm Peaks” or 
    anything silly like that), please send me a PM and I’ll correct my error. 
    The last thing I want to do is to not give credit to  someone who deserves 
    it, when I’d hate it if I had my guide stolen.
    //When I capitalize something in the guide’s text, it’s to draw attention to 
    that certain piece of information.  >.>
    //All pictures are thumbnails, and all should work. Send me a PM if they don't.

    Table of Contents:

    1) Overview of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake
    2) My own story and experience
    3) Make sure you’re serious about TLPD
    4) Spawn information, routes, maps, and other information
    5) Recommended programs
    6) Strategies for farming TLPD
    7) Closing statements


    The Time-Lost Proto-Drake, commonly and hereby referred to as the TLPD. What is it? Where is it? How do I get one?

    The TLPD is an extremely rare spawn that can be located within certain areas of the Storm Peaks. Its name comes from the fact that it is a progenitor of the Bronze Dragonflight and has gotten lost in the time spectrum, which is why finding it in the present is such a rare occurrence; however, many people say Blizzard named it so because of the large amounts of time campers have to invest to be able to get the mount. Its skin color is a bronze hue, with a bright blue mouth and pair of eyes.

    The TLPD is very hard to obtain unless you happen to be extremely lucky, as it is the rare spawn of a rare spawn, sharing a spawn timer and routes with a rare named Vyragosa. Vyragosa, a female blue dragon, is the more common of the two creatures, and can be a good way to gauge the routes of the TLPD.


    **Not important to read, but it might contain some information worth noting that’ll probably be written down in later parts of the guide**

    After 200+ hours of farming, camping, botting, killing Vyragosa, camping, mining, and farming, I was finally able to see and capture the TLPD for myself. My kill was the first time I’ve ever seen the TLPD dead or alive as a mob. I got mine on a Sunday evening between 10:00pm and 10:20pm (was so excited I didn’t write down the time). These 200 hours had been spread over a week and a half where I did upwards of 16 hours a day of camping. A bit before my kill, an orc warlock had flown into the area, and decided to camp the exact same airspace as I did (we couldn’t kill each other, I play on a RP server), within a 2 foot range. Angered, I got on my Horde account on another computer and decided to message this person and ask him to leave nicely. Obviously, this person had no clue what he was doing in regards to camping TLPD, as he was asking me for info on the mob he was trying to steal from me. I tried to bribe him out of my spot by giving him some general, well-known information, and then finally got so annoyed at him that I logged. Going back to my laptop with my main still camping, I noticed he had moved a bit lower in altitude than me, and a bit east, but not enough that he was out of range of my spot. I tried calming myself down by saying, “Hey, how likely is it that a rare will spawn at this time of all time, or at a time when this person’s in the area (I expected her to get bored and leave soon). And above all, how likely will it be TLPD….in MY area, after 200 hours.


    My NPCscan went off before my autoclicker did. And I looked up at the target, not believing what I saw. I looked down at the 3D picture to confirm, and yes, TLPD had spawned after all. In my area. And the warlock was still here.
    I didn’t see it in front of me, so I concluded that it must be spawning either under me or behind me in Valkyrion. Wrong. As I frantically looked around, I saw it has spawn right in front of my original view area, and I raced into it, turning on Retribution Aura as it attacked so I could get the tag. And I did, since TLPD did lose health and continued attacking with a red name. But damn, somehow this warlock, who had been there for all of 20 minutes, had tagged it off of my tag with a DoT. I saw TLPD go grey on me and fly to this warlock, who had ruined my chances of getting this mob. I cursed, and screamed, and acted like Regan in the Exorcist. Yet…

    I don’t know what happened exactly. Maybe he fell out of his aggro range too quickly, or maybe he died from the fall, or maybe the game corrected itself, but he lost the tag and he flew back to me. I was overcome with joy as I set down on a hill and took him down. As a protection paladin, I took him down relatively easy, with him doing no damage to me (no mobs ever do). Finally, after 200 long hours, I had a dead TLPD sitting at my feet, glistening and whispering, “Loot me, loot me…” As I got ready to loot, I saw the warlock come back from the frozen lake up onto the hill, and the first thing I wanted to do was /fart on him for trying to steal TLPD from me. But, I decided against it. I had won the drake, I didn’t need the satisfaction of doing that. In the few seconds I contemplated and decided against this action, two other people had shown up to look what my sword and shield had done. Finally, I decided to loot it, and instead of learning it right away, I decided to spam general, guild, and everyone in my friend’s list with the news. I even called some of my offline friends to rejoice that my quest was over. One even quoted South Park by stating I could finally go back to playing the game. I also got some kill shots in before I finally learned and took off on my mount.

    The importance and moral of my story is that you should never give up on this if you decide to go for it. If you ever feel like giving up, tell yourself that you’ve invested too much time to give up. It worked for me. Also, even though it was heartbreaking, gutwrenching, painful, and blah blah, this was definitely one of the most entertaining moments I’ve ever had while playing a video game. Ever. The adrenaline stays with you, and you feel so good afterwards that your hard work…or luck, paid off. Screenshots below to recreate the story, and just for showing off.

    My kill shot:


    So, you THINK you’re interested in obtaining this mount? Then you might want to check out a few links first.
    Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake - Item - World of Warcraft.

    WoWhead is the place to go for information, stories, helpful comments, etc. concerning ANY game item. Honestly, I like it more than Thottbot. However, I guide you to this site for the comments which are helpful (most of the information will be in this guide), but also for you to reassure yourself that people DO get this drake. But, you should also read about how long it took people, how frustrating it is, how they wanted to give up but couldn’t. Are you really sure you want to sink that much time into one mount? If you are, great! If not, I’m glad I just saved you from wasting a lot of time. :P
    Also, you should definitely use the “View in 3D” button so that you can see what the mount looks like…in 3D. Make sure you want it and are willing to waste time for it. Pictures of the mount also work for your viewing pleasure.

    NMorpher, a program developed and released by Nesox, is designed to help people do easier model edits. Instead of going the route of editing MPQ files like most model editors, you can use Nesox’s program to morph your mount or yourself into any mob you wish. Consider using it for a test period to morph your current mount into TLPD, just to get a feel for what it’s like, and to also make sure you want the drake. Hell, you can probably use this to either keep you happy while you farm, or you can use it as a complete “cheat” as long as your content with flying around on a TLPD only you can see. You’d never have to farm TLPD with this, unless you want to show off and have the satisfaction of actually getting it.


    This is where the bulk of the learning process comes in. You can either learn everything you need to know to farm this mob and fly in circles looking for it (perfectly viable way to farm TLPD), or you can learn a bit and use the programs below to camp one spot (what I did).

    Spawn Information – Vyragosa, the normal spawn in Storm Peaks that shares a timer with TLPD, can spawn anywhere in a 6 hour and 24 hour period from her last death. Unconfirmed rumors suggest that Vyragosa can spawn in as short as a 2 hour period if the mob that spawned before was the TLPD, but I have not seen any proof of this (please, if you can, prove me wrong and I’ll add it into the guide). Whenever Vyragosa is about to spawn, she has a chance to instead sit on the bench and let her friend TLPD come out and stretch his wings. Nobody, and I mean nobody, knows the exact chance of TLPD spawning, but it’s speculated and proven to be somewhere between a 5% and 35% chance that he’ll appear instead of Vyragosa. If you’re serious about camping, but also want to play a bit, as well as have as much information as possible, it is definitely helpful to keep a log of spawns. Consider using mine as a template on how to keep the information organized.

        3:10pm -- Vyragosa killed by me at Bor's Breath canyon
        3:00-3:45pm -- Vyragosa sighted at Bor's Breath, passing through the frozen lake
        3:00-6:45am -- Vyragosa sighted, then kills me, at Bor's Breath over the frozen lake
        9:55am -- Vyragosa killed by me at Bor's Breath hill
        8:00-9:00am -- TLPD spawned and killed on Brunnhildr/Engine route going down the frozen waterfall
        10:00-10:30pm -- TLPD unconfirmed kill in the canyon of Bor's Breath to the east of my camp spot
        6:15am -- Vyragosa unconfirmed killed in N/S passage of the canyon in Bor's Breath (at the turn)
        3:03am -- Vyragosa killed going down Rohemdial Pass
        ~12:30-2:00pm -- Vyragosa sighted
        4:00am -- TLPD unconfirmed killed at Engine of the Makers
        3:39am -- Vyragosa killed by me on hill next to Frosthold in Bor's Breath
        1:29am -- Vyragosa killed by me on hill next to Frosthold in Bor's Breath
        1:07pm -- Vyragosa killed in southern Foot Steppes
        10:00-10:20pm -- TLPD killed by me in Bor's Breath. The hunt is over.
    While both Vyragosa and TLPD share routes, they however do NOT share spawn points, but they do spawn in similar areas. Pictures can be found below to describe this occurrence.

    TLPD has many different spawn points, but after spawning he’ll always link up with one of his four routes and follow them around for approximately 10 minutes (last report I read claimed 10, might be as much as 20 minutes, but no less than 10) before DESPAWNING. Remember that him despawning is a completely possibility and can therefore account for a 24 hour or higher spawn period between two mobs you write down times for. However, that can also be a non-reported kill of either, or Vyragosa being skinned before you see the body.

    This gets into a very important information tip. NEVER LISTEN TO PEOPLE IN GENERAL. They are full of BS. If someone claims TLPD was killed, demand coordinates to the body and check for yourself. If they can’t provide them for any reason, whether it’s “he despawned” or “I skinned him”, don’t believe it. Especially since TLPD CANNOT BE SKINNED, and anyone who says he was is trying to get rid of competition. Vyragosa can be skinned however, and should always be written as unconfirmed in your log if reported without seeing a body, as less people lie about Vyragosa kills. Both bodies remain on the ground for 30 minutes before despawning, allowing you to be able to count back to a spawn time.

    Another important thing to note is that, as far as we know, server restarts, maintenance, anything of the sort will NOT reset the TLPD/Vyragosa timer. He’s a special mob, and since he is, he has special code that keeps him from getting restarted. Once again, I’d love to be proven wrong, but so far I’ve not seen any information that proves it resets. Along with this, the macro that allows you to link the reins has NEVER helped me, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say it doesn’t work (and yes, I did clear the cache after a server reset/maintenance, still was able to link when I was in the first 100 people on the server).

    Route Information – The best map I’ve found for routes is the one I’ve posted below, as it has both the routes in different colors, but also shows the directions the mobs fly on the route (which I’ve confirmed to be accurate, at least from my information). Now, it’s VERY IMPORTANT to note that while Vyragosa flies low through Bor’s Breath (including the canyon part of that area), TLPD flies pretty high up. I have no experience with other paths, but I’ve heard similar, that Vyragosa likes skimming the ground while TLPD likes flying at high altitudes. To gauge yourself, run off the small iced over waterfall that enters the canyon from the frozen lake and fly straight. That’s about the altitude of Vyragosa flying through that area. Alternatively, fly off the edge of the cliff that leads into the canyon from the Engine of the Makers, or set yourself up 10 meters under the giant hole in the side of the Temple of Storms (name eludes me right now). That’s the best estimate of TLPD’s flight height in the canyon area.

    Height estimation screenshots: TLPD left, Vyragosa right

    My preferred map with direction of flight, as posted by andie39 on WoWhead on the left, with a map with two black dots to indicate good camping spots posted by Omega329 on MMOwned. Note that the red route on the left map HAS been confirmed since the map was created.

    As can be noted, Bor’s Breath and Engine of the Makers have multiple routes going through them, and as such, are the best places to camp.

    5) Recommended Programs

    Program list:
    • NPCscan - NPCScan : WoWInterface Downloads : Miscellaneous
    • TLPD Searchbot by blowingCrush -
    • NMorpher by Nesox -

    NPCscan – NPCscan, in short, is an amazing f*cking addon. I don’t know how they did it, but it just works amazingly. Leave it on, and if it ever sniffs a rare in the area, a loud horn accompanied by a bass drum plays for you, along with a 3D image and name on your screen, which you can click to target the mob. It’s so good, it even alerts you to a mob that’s 5 seconds away from spawning (at least if you’re close enough to the spawn that you could see it). It’s loud without being annoying, and…it’s just plain cool. I wouldn’t have caught my drake had it not been for this mod. However, the one drawback is that hunter pets can set it off (luckily TLPD nor Vyragosa can be tamed). Once a mob has been cached, you have to enter your WoW folder and delete the cache folder to reset the alert. Worth it in my opinion.

    TLPD Searchbot – TLPD Searchbot, a program created by MMOwned’s own blowingCrush, was just as valuable to me as NPCscan, but not for its ability to target a mob, yell “Die, insect” at you, and spam your chat box with whispers to yourself. Instead, I used it to bot for countless hours while at work, and also while asleep. I was doing around 20 hours a day of botting using this, occasionally getting on myself to talk to guildes and friend, but in that entire amount of time I was never banned or caught or anything for using it. I’m guessing that because it clicks on random intervals, it doesn’t seem like a bot, but whatever the reason it works great as an anti-AFK program. Plus, you can minimize WoW and still have it run.
    Only thing I changed was the macro blowingCrush supplied in his thread. I modified it to add in /cleartarget at the beginning, because if I targeted anything else it would spam my chat box (and I know that’s not supposed to happen, but it did for me, and thus I changed it). I also created a macro that did the same thing, except searched for nearby harpies, and I used this to check the sound volume (no point in doing this if I can’t hear the alert, nor if I lose my hearing to it).

    NMorpher – A model changing program made by Nesox, discussed in section 3.


    First, before I get into strategies for actually farming the beast, I’d like to give you a few strategies to help your mental state while farming. Now, even though I was AFK for most of my camping, I still was going a tiny bit insane, always needing my computer to be on and by my side in case it happened to spawn while I was doing something. One thing I learned is that Peggle can be your friend. Seriously, download it and play it while waiting, it helps. Secondly, you need to know that nothing spawns unless you see its body, whether it’s alive or dead. No matter how hard it is to trick yourself into “believing” this, you need to. Otherwise, you’ll hear about the mage who got it by flying around another spot, and then you’ll leave your spot believing your luck to be better. And then you lose the spawn at your old camp spot. So, even though you need to write down confirmed kills, you need to remember that until it’s dead by your feet, with you on your new mount, it never spawned for anyone since it’s that rare :P

    Also, dissing the mount might not only help to ease the pain, but might also keep you from wasting your time, even though people who diss it are usually jealous themselves. I got mine, and the first thing a guildie who’s completely jealous of me says, “oh great, go ride around on a puke colored mount”. Didn’t really bother me, but I can see it helping some people.

    Now, onto the actual strategies:

    - First, you need to make sure that your framerate is as good as it can be. It makes a huge difference to fly around at 15-20 fps over 5 fps. Do whatever you need to, turn down the graphic settings all the way if you must.
    - Second, turn view distance up as much as you can without sacrificing fps. While you may need an extra 5 seconds to boot into the game, the view distance helps NPCscan, the game’s targeting system, and your own eyes to look for the TLPD.
    - Third, try to cache Vyragosa and Dirkee without getting TLPD in your cache, which is pretty easy to do, relative to finding TLPD. This helps campers who are going to AFK or people who just want to mash a key to be able to distinguish between spawning mobs. If you hear the horn, then it’s TLPD! If not, you don’t have to freak since Ragnaros is just yelling about a blue dragon or a fugly mecha-gnome.

    Once these are set up, you can try a few different tactics:

    The Work Tactic – This strategy works best if you work at a desk job where you can use a computer that has WoW on it, and you can either listen to music through headphones or have a room to yourself where your speakers can be on. Just download both NPCscan and Searchbot, and let them run while you have WoW minimize. Simply check the sound level before leaving it on (through use of /npcscan and going to the test alert, and by using my harpy macro), and then go back to work. If you hear anything, pop up WoW and see what’s been found.
    The Laptop or PC That’s Close By to You Tactic – Same tactic as the work one, but preferably put on some earphones and, depending on how heavy a sleeper you are, set the volume level. Then leave WoW as the main window on your screen, and either close the laptop (make sure it’s plugged into the wall) or turn off the monitor and sleep. If you wake up, go check the screen. In the morning, check to see if you missed anything by looking at your chat log for spammed whispers. This tactic can also be used to do other things, like watch television or playing Xbox, or even doing productive work such as playing an instrument, reading, more work, and so on. Just leave your screen/monitor open and powered on when you’re awake.
    The Normal “Waste of my Own Downtime” Tactic - Save yourself from eternal damnation. Don’t use this tactic unless you absolutely have to. Hopefully, you’ll be able to use the second tactic and watch TV or do something entertaining while farming, but if this is your only option, I truly feel sorry for you.

    Now that you have a tactic or two (I was able to utilize the laptop along with the work tactic), it’s time to set up in game.

    Bor’s Breath – I chose this location because it seemed to be a hotspot for Vyragosa and TLPD kills. You can either station yourself at the frozen lake, as I did, or you can try the area where the huge frozen waterfall is. You can even try sitting up high at the bend of the canyon, since all four paths come relatively close to it (I don’t recommend this, by the time one of the mobs pats that way, it’ll probably be dead). The best option is over the frozen lake because three paths pass through it, and two confirmed TLPD spawns sit right in the area. For the best placement, consult the screenshot.

    Engine of the Makers - Another perfectly usable spot to farm, as the southern side of the gaping hole in the ground has three paths that pass by it too, though not exactly through the optimal camping spot. Spawns will usually come from either the blue proto drake field or somewhere along the western side of the hole (that spawn is unconfirmed as far as I know).

    Engine AFK spot, picture from Omega329's post:

    Save yourself the trouble, remember my mantra about “no spawns until you have it”, and just choose ONE of these spots and stick with it. Once you choose, you really shouldn’t switch. It hurts you more in the long run. It really does.


    Now, I know what some people are thinking. Why would you write this guide? It’s helpful, but now everyone one’s going to know about the drake and there will be hundreds farming it now. *sad face*

    Well, okay, I agree that it isn’t as well known as it could be. And that’s yet another drawback to your hard work. People who know of it will either hate you for getting it, or hate on the mount. Some will be happy for you. But if you expect to get hundreds of whispers about it when you sit at Krasus’ Landing, at least on my server no one knows the rarity of it. It’s not like riding a tiger as a Horde, or a raptor as an Alliance.

    Going along with that, I don’t think this will create a larger farming population. If anything, it might just reinforce what we have now, or scare people away. People who wanted to get this and would die without it are already committed, and now have an easier way of going about it. People who were sort of interested will be split down the middle, some will give it a shot, and some will think that this is just nuts and a waste of time. And the people who were already against it will get their notions reinforced that only losers or really luck people get the mount.

    If anyone gets any information that they’d like put into the guide, send me a PM and if it’s worthy, then I’ll add it in and give you credit. Likewise, if I didn’t give someone credit for something, which I believe I didn’t have happen, let me know and I’ll fix it up. Also, if I left anything important out, or left editor's text in, let me know.

    Just remember, I put a lot of work into this guide, and as long as I can know that it directly influenced one person obtaining his or her mount, it’ll have been worth it.
    Last edited by guitargod218; 08-05-2009 at 10:07 AM.

    The Ultimate Guide to Farming the Time-Lost Proto Drake
  2. #2
    JD's Avatar Fedora Potato Johnson V
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    That is a lot of imformation...

  3. #3
    Dombo's Avatar Banned
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    Wow, loads of time went into this, I can tell. +3 for the effort and the contribution!


  4. #4
    [Z]em's Avatar Contributor
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    this is a crazy guide, nice work man +rep

  5. #5
    Jchunx's Avatar Legendary

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    Thank you for your contribution to MMOwned.
    I know this will help and motivate me when I decide to look for the TLPD some more.
    +7 rep for you!

  6. #6
    klamor's Avatar Active Member
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    gj! +rep

  7. #7
    guitargod218's Avatar Banned
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    Little insider joke (a.k.a. just me), I was thinking about naming this the "Compendium" since it sounded so official and badass.

    Then I looked up the word and saw it meant "a short, yet comprehensive compilation of a body of knowledge".

  8. #8
    poiper's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by guitargod218 View Post
    After 200+ hours of farming, fapping, camping, fapping, botting, fapping, killing Vyragosa, fapping, camping, fapping, mining, fapping, and farming and more fapping, I was finally able to see and capture the TLPD for myself.
    there i fixed it for you

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    guitargod218's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by poiper View Post
    there i fixed it for you
    How did you find that out? >.>

  10. #10
    the_tormenter's Avatar Member
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    Wow, nice guide, will rep in about 24 hours

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    monkey-leader's Avatar Member
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    Awesome, gonna try

  12. #12
    takeashot's Avatar Member
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    This is a very great guide, cheers for the guide!, I got one question tho, the Nmorpher, is it bannable?

  13. #13
    hiplip27's Avatar Member
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    so how many hot pockets died in the 200 hour farming quest

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    jubhub1013's Avatar Active Member
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    Amazing guide man. +Rep x2

  15. #15
    Syncness's Avatar Legendary
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    Some bits of this guild is in the elite section.
    Double check you're trading with me in case of impostors

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