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    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Simple money at low levels.

    I don't know if this has been posted before, so sorry if it has :x.

    Some people wonder how they are going to make their first 100g or so to buy a mount at 40. I remember my first character, and it's tough to get the money when you don't know how.

    An extremely effective way to get money is to farm linen. And you may say "Farming is for high levels!". You're wrong. Any level 15 can go to Westfall and kill defias for linen. I'd say you can make upwards of 20s a stack on most servers, and 20 linen isn't hard to come by.

    Another way to get linen is from VC, lots of linen drops there. Make sure while doing VC you also pick up all the grays and greens you can.

    AH, or the Auction House is also a great tool to success. Pick up ALL greens you can, no matter what level and bring them to the AH. Most items that are green sell for upwards of 10s, and a bag of greens could bring you a few gold!

    You may now be saying "Lol, Alliance is obviously his favorite faction." Well yeah it is, and it's much easier for me to make a guide for Alliance players. :P But for you Horde players out there I have some quick suggestions for you too!

    At level 14 (13 depending on your class), go straight to RFC. Pick up all linen drops and green drops you can, and sell them at the AH. Also, just like VC, you guys have WC. It is like VC, but just a different dungeon. Same process with picking up items and selling in AH.

    Note: When selling in AH, try to look up other people's items too. Sell yours for a little less then theirs and you should be selling in no time ^^

    Another note: When picking up linen, when I say selling, I mean in the AH. Farming linen and selling in the AH is one of the best ways to make money in my opinion. (At low levels)

    Once you start reaching higher levels, use the same AH selling process, and pick up all the cloth you can. Farming cloth is very easy, and very rewarding. Silk cloth stacks can sometimes sell for up to 60s on certain servers, maybe more!

    Relz posted about the IF airport. He says the mobs there are good to farm. Don't know how to get there?

    Sometimes people don't even need money for a mount, or just plain don't want one right away. That's fine! For you Paladins, Locks, Druids, and Shaman out there who get an easy break, listen up.

    Paladins and Locks get it easy. They get a totally free mount, and they don't need to save up 100g for it. But take advantage of that cloth you pick up, I mean comeon! Would you rather slack off and not bother gathering around 100g for armor and items? I know I wouldn't! When I played my Pally I remembered getting around 70g. That 70g was able to buy me my level 40 plate armor from the AH, profession supplies, and the rest I saved for more stuff I may need in the future.

    Shamans and Druids, you guys get a form which you can travel in pretty damn fast. Druids get "travel form", and Shamans get "ghost wolf". Now you have to think, would you rather have lots of extra cash for armor and other things at 40, or would you rather spend your cash on a mount. When you reach level 60, I advise you to buy the epic mount, but the 40 mount is only 20% faster then your forms! Worth it? That's your choice.

    Anyway, about grinding, since lots of you may want to know. When you reach high 20's-low 30's, you may start getting extremely bored. Some players love Gnomeregan and do that, but others may think Gnomer is a pain. (Me, for example. I HATE Gnomer) Anyway, grinding is always a good way to level. Make sure you check out a site like thottbot first, and find out what creatures drop good items, but are still around your level. I remember at level 30 with my Hunter I went to the Snapjaws in Alterac Mountains. I got about 3 greens from a full level of grinding, but I also made a few gold off of vendor thrash! Their vendor thrash is amazing, it sells in stacks for about 45s. That's great, considering I had about 6 stacks of a certain item that sold for that much. (Stacks in 5)

    If you aren't high enough for level 30-31 Snapjaws, I suggest you grind somewhere else. At level 24-25 I grinded the spiders in Duskwood, and I ended up getting away with a blue. At level 22-23 I grinded the shadow gnolls in RRM, ended up with 2 blues. And at level 10-16 I grinded defias for linen. Now think of this. 3 blues into the AH can make you some nice gold. I ended up with junky blues and only got about 20 some gold out of it. But 20g is about 1/5 your mount money.

    Some people don't feel like investing their time in a profession, which I totally understand. I never wanted to do a profession. I'd suggest right now, if you are at a low level, get Herbalism and Mining. Herbs and Ores you can get just by grinding. They're everywhere! When you're grinding, just look for Herbs and Ores as you go, and pick 'em up. Swiftthistle sells for upwards of 10g a stack on my server. So 10 stacks of Swiftthistle can get you a new mount and maybe more depending on your rep and such.

    Another good combo of professions would be mining/blacksmithing or skinning/leatherworking. Not on will you be able to make armor for yourself, but you can sell your products on the AH. Sometimes I will just be grinding beasts, I'll skin them, and sell the leather I don't need. You can also sell your ores or bars on the AH you get from blacksmithing, and you can also sell the mail/plate armor you make for a pretty good profit.

    If you are a cloth wearer, you may want to take up tailoring, and one gathering profession. A gathering profession is a profession where you pick up, and gather materials for other professions. (Eg. Skinning, Herbalism, Mining). That way, you can make yourself clothes, and sell them, and you can sell mats to other people.

    I suggest starting professions early in your character's life, that way by the time you reach high 30's you can be selling your products to other players and making heaps of money to put toward your mount.

    Also keep this in mind: At level 40 you can buy brand new armor. Some classes use armor they get from SM or from quests, but some people like to buy a fresh set. If you really think you are this type of person, you need to go above and beyond with your selling. You will probably want an extra 15-20g depending on what class you are, and what server you are on.

    Lots of people don't like grinding, but like instances. If that's you, grind instances as I call it. Do an instance around your level a few times a day to grind experience, items, and money. You can gain tons from instances. In SM, for example, I leveled a character from 33-40 there. Not only was it easy leveling, but I got tons of gold in the middle of it all. (And also some nice armor I'd use at level 40). If you grind an instance, lets say 30 times. The chance of you getting a special blue item from the common mobs is huge. And dropped blues that are BoE sell for tons.

    To give you an example of an instance for your level, I'll make a list for you here:

    The Deadmines, Van Cleef - Levels 17-24
    The Stockades - Levels 24-28
    Shadowfang Keep - Levels 22-27
    Wailing Caverns - Levels 17-24
    Ragefire Chasm - Levels 13-17
    Gnomeregan (All the way to boss) - Levels 28-35
    Scarlet Monastery, Library - Levels 33-38
    Scarlet Monastery, Armory - Levels 35-40
    Scarlet Monastery, Cathedral - Levels 36-40
    Scarlet Monastery, Graveyard - Levels 31-36

    The above level ranges are my opinions on what level you should go to these instances at. To some people they may be wrong, but I think they're about right the way I stated them.

    If you really want to be ahead of the game, do instances and quest or grind in the middle. Questing is great for gaining experience and saving money too. If you can get decent items from your questing, try to use them for as long as possible. Not only will this keep you from buying from the AH, but it might also be a good item. Also, the experience from some quests can be amazing sometimes.

    Certain chain quests like the Stalvan chain give you massive experience for doing nothing. Try to pick up some chain quests when you can. Most story-based chain quests have an ending which results in you killing someone. If that is the case, you may want a guildie or a friend to come with you to help.

    Put these ideas into mind. I know they may have been said before, but I'm telling you from pure experience that these work. I hope you learned something from this, and good luck
    Last edited by Shanka; 08-03-2006 at 07:54 AM.

    Simple money at low levels.
  2. #2
    Avianar47's Avatar Active Member
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    alliance ftw! great guide, +rep

  3. #3
    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Thanks I'm new to the forums, expect MUCH more from me!

  4. #4
    jacca's Avatar Active Member
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    allience on my server can have alot of money hungery people overpricing linen.. although hored players are generaly smarter i like being able to have my items sell within the hour by using a good price ,... good guide, and dont farm silk... itll drain your money posting it when you make it up there [15silver deposit]

  5. #5
    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Well when I started farming silk, I made tons. You just have to make sure you put it for a decent price without getting too low, and then you will make more then you lose. I'll be adding tons more to this guide soon, sorry it's so plain at the moment

    Edited: I added more to the first post, I will be adding more as I figure out more stuff to tell you guys.
    Last edited by Shanka; 08-01-2006 at 10:22 AM.

  6. #6
    bloodofwar's Avatar Banned
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    GR8 post i love it thanks a bunch +rep for u!!!!!

  7. #7
    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for the reps guys

    I'll be adding more tonight as a matter of fact, I want this to be a pretty big guide.

  8. #8
    Cade's Avatar Member
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    keep up the good work

  9. #9
    Amedis's Avatar Contributor
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    Welcome to our forums.

    Great post. Continue posting like this, you will soon become a valuable member of

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  10. #10
    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Thanks alot for the post Amedis. I look forward to my future with MMOwned.

    Anyway, today I added a few more paragraphs to the guide about instances and some more about professions and such.

  11. #11
    Relz's Avatar Feed the trolls
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    hmm, i used to farm linen to make money, i would suggest going to the IF airport (theres a thread about it on here somewhere) and farming those spawns.

  12. #12
    Kharan's Avatar Member
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    I'm gonna use this to get money for my mount on Shadow Moon, thanks for the guide

  13. #13
    Shanka's Avatar Member
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    Thanks Relz and Kharan for posting here. I knew you guys would :P

    I'll add the IF airport, I've never been there but I'll link a guide too.

  14. #14
    barnyonfire1's Avatar Member
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    shadynova's Avatar Member
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    good guide m8 i will use it

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