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    Warkock's Avatar Member
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    Warlock *How To Kill Guide*

    General Info- Server: Demon Soul Name: Chire (Wow didn’t like Warkock and renamed me)
    This is my first guide and have read a lot of other "How to kill Guides" I have tested these all personally before and they work. My general strategies that I did not mention.... I never chain fear in duels. I'd rather gain skill then be a noob. Always have devour magic on except on mages. I find I can keep up with the cd and want to devour as much as I can. Always cast spell lock during a cast. Gem all stamina and haste. Haste is low atm. Save fel dom for the fight not sacrifice my blueberry at the beginning. Good teams will make you summon a new 1 once or twice in the game Bring out voidwwalker if its 2 melee dps. Almost never SB unless they iceblock/buble/fear or cycloned/ much rather drain life. Spell pushback can completely ruin your day if you get caught. Always keep health below full with lifetap to avoid it when i get low.. I 2v2 with a resto druid he is a rl friend and is bad (explains my rating) but its fun. Ok so on with the killing

    Next to the class I wrote the curses to use some are situational. Say your not ccing/dpsing a mage currently CoT can stop frost bolts. Things like that. Also whenever a healer (other than a resto druid) is low I use CoT before that it is usually agony.

    Warrior- Curse of Agony
    Dot them up.... not immolate yet just instants. Then DC once you lose 1-2k health (to make sure you gain all the health) Fear if they don’t have Deathwish or Recklessness up. Just draintank them, trust me!!!! Once they use there move to lock up your shadow spells use an immolate then go back to drain tanking. Redot when needed, I am in full s2 with s4 legs and have found i can beat s3/s4 warriors every time and full s4 pretty often (if you don't believe me just try it pls) DONT TRY TO FEAR THEM!!!

    Mage- Curse of Agony/CoT
    I don't see a big problem here. This is the only fight I don’t have devour magic on auto for. Make a macro /cast [target=player] devour magic. This will take poly of you when it happens. If you are in 2v2 make one replacing “player” with their name and it will remove it from them too. Time your spell lock while they are casting a frostbolt always. Kill the elemental whenever it is up. Or just keep banish. Arcane torrent if you have it. CoT can be helpful at some points. It should be an easy fight...

    Rogues- Curse of Agony/CoEx
    Ugggghhhh as there are anti-class and it has been posted this is a hard terrible fight. To start run around like crazy rank1 hellfire/rain of fire, arcane torrent, Howl of Terror if yours isnt imp because it wont help later, anything to break stealth. If they open try and spam a sl in between the kidney shot. Trinket the ks and fully dot. Dont both with trinkets or amp curse cus they will CoS. You can deathcoil here but make sure CoS isn’t up they expect it here. During CoS keep spamming dots as its a 10% chance they will hit. After that DC>fear twice because of trinket (if they are undead 3 times)>fully dot. Now the best trick. If your alive this is where you can win. If shadow step is not up for them throw CoEx on and run like hell. If he deadly throws trinket (if you can) as it takes combo points to use and he wont have it again. If not use drain life the best u can. Usually i have them killed here. If you dont try and kite the best you can. Good luck.

    Shadow Priests
    - Curse of Agony
    This is basically a mage fight and is super easy. Just keep shadow ward up, Spell lock during Shadow Embrace or Mindflay. Dot them and if they start dispelling (WTF) spam on rank1 corr so they waste GCD and mana on it. If you want to fear you can your just gonna have to use it 2-3 times in a row so be rdy. Most horde are undead. I can win this fight without fears but if you want do it.

    Ele Sham- CoT
    I feel bad in this fight. My friend is one and out gears me and i win from 30%. Just dot/ fear/ spelllock a lightning bolt. ATM all there spells (but shocks) are nature so thats 6 sec they cant cast. Have you felpup always killing any tremor totem and just fear and drain life from there gg.

    Enh Sham- CoEx
    This is Kite City. CoEx then spell lock so they can not shock as you run. The trick it to stay at max range, always have CoEx up on them and DISPELL GHOSTWOLF (ZOMGWTFHOW) yea it counts as magic not a form . If you know they will catch you fear before they do and run further. If you get frost shocked trinket it right away its a 5sec cd. Practice this a little and they will be easy mode.

    Feral druids- Curse of Agony
    This is basically a "be a cheap op warlock and chain fear" fight. They can put out really good burst but only have trinket for fear so exploit that. There isnt really any move to counter except pounce which you shouldnt!! trinket. Save all your interrupts except dc for when they try to cyclone and heal. They can get full health in 1 cyclone. Trinket any cyclones. And dc onces he is fully dotted at the begginning

    BOOOOOmkin- CoT
    Basicallly you can almost just dot and drain tank. Spell locks and trinket are same as feral fight. Same with fearing. If you are going to fear try and time it between wraths to avoid spell pushback. There damage is not that great unless they are allowed to explode and you will be able to heal through it.

    Ret Pally- Curse of Agony/CoEx
    A good ret pally can actually put up a tough fight. Trinket any repentance you get and try and kite untill they go immune from there seal. Then start fearing, doting, drain life. When they bubble count to 6 and cast SB then do what you did at the beginning. Vosfihalo reminded me, and thank you, take this time to bandage/drink whatever you want.

    Warlock- Curse of Agony/Cot
    Warlock fight are hard to give step by step for but the best way to win is always have shadow ward up and fear as much as possible. Also fully dotting the pet with result in it dead which will help alot. If he/she sees u investing shadowbolts into the pet they will heal it so don't. When you can't fear keep CoT up so you can catch there fears with a interrupt/ spell lock. Practice usuing everything in your arsenal and you will always win.

    Hunter- Curse of Agony
    Every fight the first thing i do is cast Curse of Weakness, Siphon Life, and Corruption on the pet to eventually kill it. Then switch to the hunter. This is if they are Marksman. After fully dottting him you will be getting pretty low so Dethcoil and fear together. Fears while they are blasting away get pushed back till tomorrow and you are better off drain tanking. Drain tanking is exactly what you will do to BM hunters for the first 18 seconds?? idk how long Bestialy Wrath is. This is when they turn big and red and go immune to fear and Deathcoil.

    Resto Druid- Curse of Agony
    My favorite fight because they own everything (but warlocks). This can be a 10 sec fight or 10 min fight, Ill tell you how to win both. When it starts dot them up, Fear, fear,fear, dc, spell lock, arcane torrent if you have it. In between those fears and dc you should SB or get off Immolate. Even a good resto drood will die from this 95% of the time if done correctly. If this does not work don't worry it is just gonna be a long fight so blow your cd now as they will be back up during the fight. Keep all dots up and use Curse of Agony even if they take it off put it back up. Mana drain every time you can, mana tap whenever its up if you got it. Fel pup should be on auto devour so whenever he uses a hot or innervates there are no other buffs and it goes right out. When they are oom let your dots and felpup kill him while you make sure he doesn’t get more than 200 mana. This will take a lot of mana on your part and you will get low from lifetap but should survive.

    Resto Sham- CoT/Curse of Agony
    I have debated whether to have my pet not attack or attack to keep earth shield from being trigger. I have found it can attack and i still win so i dont change it. You can try to down him fast like a resto druid it will work a good amount of the time but watch for earthshield. If not just full dps him. no drain mana? Nope. Full damage will use more of his mana. When gets low pop fear>dc>spell lock anything just to finish him.

    Disc Priest- Curse of Agony/CoT
    One way I to get them oom, not hard but a good disc priest will out mana drain or bring your health down very low. Just use mana drain with fears and dots to make him heal and keep your health/mana as high as possible. I haven’t had problems with this fight its just one of those fights that you can get really low on.

    Holy Pally- CoT
    LOL this is easy. If you start by fear>dotting>fear they will almost always blow bubble. Like the ret fight count to 6 then sb. They have minimum damage (compared to druid or disc priest) so this will be easy. All there healing is casts so always have CoT up

    Any Individual Questions feel free to post

    Any questions about gear choice/spec are welcomed as i have a reason for all my choices.

    Rogues are the most Op Dps class not Warlock.

    I Hope this guide helped you and thanks for reading.

    This was also posted on WOWMB.net although rejected but its me

    Last edited by Warkock; 08-21-2008 at 02:21 AM.

    Warlock *How To Kill Guide*
  2. #2
    Warkock's Avatar Member
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    In the original file it is formatted which can be found here MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service but im to lazy to do it right now. Its not suppose to be professional or explain about other moves. I Garuntee that you will win with these if done correctly (other than rogue and Ret pally)

  3. #3
    Turkeyman's Avatar Active Member
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    rofl "Gem all stamina and haste. Haste is low atm."
    lmao im a 70 lock in black temple and 2000 2v2..and let me tell you
    you dont seem to know WTF your talking about....
    i think you should take a look at yourself before you say your ratings your healers part

  4. #4
    Guitking44's Avatar Member
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    give the guy a break its his first guide, i havent made 1 yet, i cant find anything to make one about, but then again, i havent hit 70 yet :S

  5. #5
    Aznex's Avatar Contributor
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    U don't even have to kite an enhancement shaman, use pet to destroy totems, CoEx at beginning so he uses frostshock then just chainfear while having pet kill tremor and grounding etc

  6. #6
    Thimpey's Avatar Member
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  7. #7
    Turkeyman's Avatar Active Member
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    roflmao u so fail at ninja-ing peoples stuff...atleast take good stuff

  8. #8
    Psyfadious's Avatar Member
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    yeah this fails

  9. #9
    Drorharush's Avatar Member
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    You critted Correct English for 100000000 (stupidity) damage.
    Correct English dies.

  10. #10
    ~Jagris's Avatar Contributor
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    try, dot dot dot, nuke, LT LT LT, steal health thing, searing pain

  11. #11
    Myobi's Avatar Member
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    Myobi's How To Kill With A Warlock Guide:

    1st- Fear.
    2nd- Click on the DOT macro.
    3rd- Drain.
    4th- Start Over The 1st Step.

    Thanks guys I hope it helps you a TON ! =D


  12. #12
    Warkock's Avatar Member
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    Ok so like i said in the guide the one on the warlocks den forums is this one dumass i am the writer. So im not stealing it. Alos this is a way to win without chain fearing. Sorry i like to use skill. Also Gemming was taken from a guide written by a Warlock in the pro circuit from FD if you dont know thats Frag Dominant thanks for the flaming tho just trying to help

  13. #13
    Warkock's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Warkock View Post

    This was also posted on WOWMB.net although rejected but its me

    Like i said just read and realize im the same person thats why i gave a link to the file

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