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    [Guide] Sunwell Boss List and Guides

    A compilation of Sunwell Plateau Boss Stats/Guides:

    Thanks to Oark

    Raid Setup
    Tanks: 3
    Healers: 7-9
    DPS: 13-15

    In addition, you need at least 3 decursers, with 4 making the fight much more manageable.

    Gear Requirements

    Main Tanks: You will need fully Black Temple geared tanks to be able to withstand the massive physical and spell damage dealt in both realms.

    DPS and Healers: It is recommended that all members of the raid have 9-10k health. There is a very large amount of AoE damage done, and if you have any less you will not be able to survive. Because of this, usually tier 6+ quality gear is needed to be able to have enough HP to survive while still being able to provide the DPS or healing needed.

    Buffs, Potions, and Gear
    This fight is more based upon execution and timing than it is on gear, so you can fudge a bit on the consumables after a certain gear level. However, without a perfect raid setup and perfectly BT-kitted characters, you will need to use consumables a very good amount to stand a chance (and this is likely true even when you're perfectly geared). Here is a list of standard consumables, with a few that will greatly improve your chance of winning:

    Tanks: Ironshield Potions. The dragon and the demon both do incredible physical damage. It needs to be mitigated as much as possible.

    Physical DPS: Damage to the demon is more imperative than damage to the dragon due to the nature of the fight. Because of this, Demonslaying Elixirs become a viable (and great) option when learning the fight.

    Boss Abilities

    Sunwell Radiance
    Chance to hit increased by 5%.
    Enemy chance to dodge reduced by 20%.

    This buff is currently active on all NPCs in Sunwell Plateau, including bosses, it seems intended to balance encounters against high avoidance tank gear. It also makes the rogue ability Evasion less effective. It does not require any particular raid strategy to counter, but tanks and rogues should be aware of it.

    Both Kalecgos and Sathrovarr the Corruptor are Tauntable.

    (Located in the "normal realm," henceforth referred to as the dragon realm)

    Arcane Buffet: This AoE blast hits all targets in the dragon realm for 463 to 537 and also applies a stacking debuff that increases arcane damage taken by 500 per application. This debuff lasts 40 seconds and is not dispellable. The debuff stacks indefinitely until the player enters the Spectral Realm, at which point it is removed. If a player remains in the dragon realm without taking a portal for too long, this debuff will eventually stack high enough to kill them in one tick.

    Spectral Blast: This is a spell cast on any player in the dragon realm every 20-30 seconds, teleporting them to the spectral realm. This will damage everyone within 8 yards of the targeted player for approximately 6,000, in addition to spawning a portal where they were standing. This portal is used by other players to get to the demon realm. This cannot target the player currently on top of Kalecgos' aggro list.

    Frost Breath: This inflicts frost damage in a frontal cone in front of the dragon form of Kalecgos. Reduces attack speed by 75% for 12 seconds. Dispellable.

    Wild Magic: This is a random debuff cast on a random player. The debuff is entirely random; any class can receive any of the following six abilities:
    - Healing done by spells and effects increased by 100%.
    - Chance to hit with melee and ranged attacks reduced by 50%.
    - Increases threat generated by 100%.
    - Spell and ability costs reduced by 50%.
    - Casting time increased by 100%.
    - Damage done by critical hits increased by 100%.

    Spectral Realm: This is a debuff placed on players that enter the spectral realm. It lasts 60 seconds. When this debuff expires, the player will be ported back to the dragon realm.

    Spectral Exhaustion: This debuff is placed on players that are removed from the spectral realm. It prevents re-entry into the spectral realm until it expires. It lasts for 60 seconds.

    Tail Lash: Standard dragon tail lash. This deals damage and knocks the player down. The Tail Lash should be avoided.

    Sathrovarr the Corruptor
    (Located in the "spectral realm," henceforth referred to as the demon realm)

    Corrupting Strike: This massive shadow nuke deals between 9k and 10k damage. It applies a DoT that does an additional 1k damage over 3 seconds, as well as a knockdown effect for that three seconds that does not allow the tank to mitigate.

    Curse of Boundless Agony: This is essentially the same as Curse Of Agony, dealing shadow damage that steadily rises throughout the duration of the curse. It starts ticking at 250, and if allowed to progress will eventually tick for over 6,000. When decursed, this curse will jump to a nearby target.

    Shadow Bolt Volley: This shadow damage attack deals 5-6k damage to a random target. This is a cone based attack, dealing damage to everyone in a small area around the targeted player.


    Fight Overview
    There are two (simultaneous, of sorts) phases to the fight. Everyone starts in dragon phase, with random people (and thus their groups, if all goes to plan) being teleported into the demon realm. In the dragon phase it is your standard tank and DPS fight, with Wild Magic and Arcane Buffet being taken into account. In the demon phase, the demon Sathrovarr will be fighting the human form of Kalecgos. If the demon kills the human form of Kalecgos, the fight is over; everyone is ported to dragon phase and the dragon despawns for 30 seconds (so resurrect quickly and get out!).

    Important to note in learning: The dragon is easily resettable by having a hunter shoot it and immediately Feign Death, thus despawning him for another 30 seconds and allowing you to recover (i.e. resurrect any bodies that may have been unreachable with a dragon sitting on top of them).

    Raid Setup
    Raid groups need to be set up to be somewhat self sufficient, while still having decent group synergy. Generally there is a melee group and a tank group that are not "self-sufficient" (that is, have no healers). Because of this, if one of your melee are teleported with the first portal, you will need to send a healer or two in after them. Assign raid targets to one person in each group (other than the MT group), so you have a Star Group, Circle Group, Diamond Group, and Triangle Group. You need to be certain that there is always a decurser both in the demon realm and the dragon realm, as well as multiple healers, so arrange the groups accordingly.

    The Pull

    The pull and subsequent positioning is one of the most important (and difficult to master) parts of the fight. The third tank in your tank rotation will initiate the pull, with everyone running in immediately on his heels. All of the assigned groups (star, circle, diamond, and triangle) need to get to their assigned quadrants immediately and spread out as best as possible. When positioning yourself, it is very important to take note of both the front and back of the dragon. If you are directly in front of the dragon, you will get hit by Frost Breath. If you are too close to the rear, you will get hit by Tail Lash. If anyone is closer than 8 yards to the person targeted by a portal, they will take 6k arcane damage (or more, depending on the number of stacks of Arcane Buffet they've taken).

    NOTE: At the moment, the dragon's targeting in the "shrubs" around the edges is sketchy. It is possible for the dragon to attempt to target you and attempt to portal you to the demon realm while you are "in" the bushes. He will not be able to cast it on you, meaning he will just skip that portal. If this happens, you will most definitely wipe. Every portal is needed.

    Dragon Phase
    Between 20 and 30 seconds into the fight, Kalecgos will target a random raid member and teleport them to the demon realm. The player will need to announce that he was teleported, along with his group name (star, circle, diamond, triangle, melee) immediately. As soon as anyone in a group is teleported, the entire group needs to get to the portal and enter the demon realm. This starts what is referred to as the "portal rotation." There is a five portal rotation. Tanks rotate separately and independently from the rest of the raid. Tanks will be the only players to enter the same portal every time; everyone else's rotation is based on the dragon's random targeting. This is a sample portal rotation:

    30s - Portal 1, Star Group teleported. Tank 1 enters demon phase.
    1m - Portal 2, Circle group teleported.
    1m30s - Portal 3, Diamond group teleported. Tank 2 enters demon phase. At this point the people that took portal 1 will start being ported back to dragon phase.
    2m - Portal 4, Triangle group teleported. Portal 2 group returns.
    2m30s - Portal 5, Melee group teleported, Tank 3 enters demon phase. Portal 3 group returns.
    3m - Portal 1, Circle group teleported. Portal 4 group returns.
    3m30s - Portal 2, Star group teleported. Tank 1 enters demon phase. Portal 4 group returns.

    It is imperative that everyone in the teleported person's group makes it into their appropriate portal. The first five portals of the fight are some of the most hectic, as by the fifth portal there is still a group of people that have been on top the entire time and taking the stacking arcane buffet. If anyone misses a portal, they will be taking a lot of unneeded damage and be off of their rotation for the rest of the fight due to the Spectral Exhaustion debuff.

    As soon as the first group is teleported, the positioning in the dragon phase becomes much easier. You can spread out some, but stay around your group. When the portal hits your group, you need to be close enough to get to it and interact with the portal before it disappears.

    Tanking In The Dragon Phase
    Tank 3 in the rotation will be tanking Kalecgos for the longest period of time and thus should be your best geared tank. A warrior tank really helps for this spot in the order, as he is the last one to go into a portal. Improved Defensive Stance helps in mitigating the massive amounts of arcane damage he will be taking from the Arcane Buffets at that point (it will be stacked very high). As soon as T1 (Tank 1) is ported back out of the demon phase, he needs to run and get into position to tank the dragon. As soon as he is in position, he needs to Taunt the dragon and commence tanking him. It is very important to get the dragon off T3 as soon as possible, as by this point T3 will have the debuff stacked and be taking a large amount of arcane damage in addition to the dragon's melee.

    As soon as any tank exits the demon phase, they should immediately position themselves to tank the dragon and Taunt.

    The tanking rotation should go as follows:
    Portal 1: Tank 1 enters.
    Portal 2: Tanking does not change.
    Portal 3: Tank 2 enters.
    Portal 4: No tanks take portals, but Tank 1 should be back in the dragon realm and Taunt the dragon off Tank 3 (must be Taunted before Portal 5 appears).
    Portal 5: Tank 3 enters.

    You continue rotating in this fashion the rest of the fight. Tanks should keep track of the portal number, as you want a new tank going in every other portal to ensure a minimal amount of Arcane Buffet debuffs on your tanks.

    Note: If the first group teleported is the melee, you will need a healer to jump in with them as they probably will not have one assigned to their group. If this is the case, the tank should wait until an adequate number of healers are in the demon phase to Taunt the demon for the first time. Kalecgos can tank the demon for a good amount of time before dying.

    Decursing In The Dragon Phase
    Later in the fight, curses will start trickling to the dragon phase as well as the demon phase. Wait to decurse them until it has ticked several times in order to minimize the amount of shadow damage that it is dealing. The time that you let curses tick on people depends on the number of decursers that you have, but generally by about halfway through the fight your decursers should be doing nothing but bouncing curses around. If the tank is cursed it needs to be removed immediately.

    Note: There is an alternative tactic of decursing isolated players to avoid the curse jumping. This is not recommended in this particular guide, but is discussed in other guides.

    Demon Phase
    The demon phase is where your raid needs to focus on expending all cooldowns and bringing as much DPS to bear as possible. Threat is not an issue in the demon phase.

    Positioning in the demon phase:

    The Shadow Bolt Volley makes positioning important in the demon phase. Circle Of Healing and Chain Heal are incredible in dealing with all of the AoE damage being done to the raid and should be utilized to their full ability. The best way to do this is to make a tight circle around the demon. If you are evenly distributed around the demon, you should be able to hit everyone in the raid with Chain Heal and still not cause too many people to take the Shadowbolt. Melee should be directly behind the demon, with healers and ranged DPS on either side. There is no reason for them to not be in melee range of the demon (and it actually helps a good deal if everyone is, as it allows Chain Heal to hit anyone that has taken damage). Melee should never be in front of the demon, as the parry mechanic is in effect and it can get your tank killed quite quickly.

    Tanking In The Demon Phase
    The tank in the demon phase will take an incredible amount of burst damage and needs to be topped off at all times, especially before a Corrupting Strike (which occurs every 20-30s). When first entering the demon phase, the tank should first run up to the demon and put up any applicable debuffs that they can to reduce damage taken (before Taunting!). After properly debuffing the demon, the tank should stand on top of Kalecgos and watch for the Corrupting Strike. You can tell when the it hits Kalecgos as he will fall to the ground and be stunned for three seconds. As soon as this happens, the tank needs to Taunt Sathrovarr and commence tanking. It takes an incredible amount of threat to hold the demon off Kalecgos, but it is quite possible. Healers need to be aware that 20-30s after Taunting the demon the tank will be hit for 9-10k, followed by 3s with no possible mitigation. It is tantamount that the tank is topped off before a Corrupting Strike.

    Decursing In The Demon Phase
    Decursing in the demon phase is the exact same as decursing in the dragon phase. Wait to decurse until it starts to tick for a higher amount. Later in the fight, decursers will need to do nothing but bounce the curses around. If a tank is cursed it needs to be removed immediately.

    DPSing In The Demon Phase
    Threat is not an issue. Full DPS is needed to take the demon down before the dragon (without any extra no-DPS time on the dragon), and it is recommended to burn cooldowns in the demon phase.

    The demon must die before the dragon does. If the dragon reaches 1% and the demon is still alive, the dragon will be Banished and stop all actions. While this may sound like a good thing at first because you won't have to deal with the Arcane Buffet anymore, it also means that he will not be spawning new portals. Without new portals, you cannot get any new raid members into the demon realm. After 60 seconds in the demon realm, all players are ported back to the dragon realm. Therefore if the dragon Banishes and you don't have enough people in the demon phase to finish Sathrovarr off in the next 60 seconds, everyone will be ported to the top. At this point you will stare at a Banished dragon for however long it takes the demon to kill the human form of Kalecgos and for the fight to reset.

    Overall Notes
    After the first portal rotation happens, the raid will have a rough guideline to know when to go into their portals. Generally, as soon as your Spectral Exhaustion debuff wears off, someone in your group will get teleported in one of the next two teleports. At this point the fight is based on the execution of your fellow raid members and their ability to get into the portal and maximize their DPS time on the demon.

    In the event of a "bad" portal (generally the only way a bad portal can happen is if one of your tanks is targeted on one of the first five random portals) you need to have a contingency plan. Generally, one group is assigned to be the "bad port" group. For instance if T2 gets taken down on portal 2 and circle is assigned as the "bad port" group, they will go in with him. The other tanks will need to adjust their rotation accordingly to deal with this. Usually this just means the first tank will be taking a few extra Arcane Buffets.

    When the demon reaches 10%, both he and the dragon will enrage. If the demon is on human Kalecgos for his enrage he will do MASSIVE damage to him, and if Kalecgos is low on HP at all he will likely die and reset the fight. Both the demon and dragon enrages are able to be healed through easily enough, but any form of extra mitigation is recommended to ensure a kill.

    Wild Magic is not a very important part of this fight, but it can be in a few very explicit situations. First, if a DPS player gets the 100% threat Wild Magic in the first part of the fight they need to stop DPS on the dragon. Generally, after the first time you go into demon phase, this is not an issue anymore. However, if a healer gets the 100% increased cast speed Wild Magic they need to let the other healers know immediately so they can adjust accordingly. A great deal of tank deaths will occur because of this particular situation.
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    [Guide] Sunwell Boss List and Guides
  2. #2
    Amedis's Avatar Contributor
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    Thanks to Laqueesha

    Raid Composition

    This is an encounter that, at least for first kills, will require absolute min-maxing of raid composition.

    2 Tanks
    7-8 Healers
    15-16 DPS (No more than 5 melee due to soaking requirements for Meteor Slash. At least one hunter.)

    Raid Composition Commentary
    Tanks: Can be either protection warriors or feral druids; a feral druid can help to boost damage with Faerie Fire and Mangle if one is not already included with the melee.

    Healers: 2 Shaman, 2 priests, 2-3 paladins and 1 druid. Priests and 1-2 of the Paladins heal the main tanks; maintaining Inspiration on the main tank is necessary at all times. Shaman heal the damage the raid takes from Meteor Slash. The druid and 1 paladin should heal Burn targets.

    DPS: Limit to 5 melee DPS. Warlocks can prove very useful in numbers here and stacking for absolute maximum DPS will be needed. Limit yourself to 1-2 Shadow priests; healers on the tank will need one due to Brutallus' damage output and spike capability.

    Buffs and Consumables
    All raid members must be fully buffed with flasks, elixirs, food, Haste Potions, Destruction Potions, and Ironshield Potions. Melee DPS classes should use old world Elixirs of Demonslaying. Drums of Battle are very useful and any raid members who can should be using them. All of these should be used on cooldown and a Heroism rotation should be developed and used. The raid must put out 27,777 DPS to beat the enrage timer.

    10,000,000 Health, Demon, Taunt-able, 6 minute enrage timer. Brutallus himself has only a few abilities.

    Sunwell Radiance
    Chance to hit increased by 5%.
    Enemy chance to dodge reduced by 20%.

    This buff is currently active on all NPCs in Sunwell Plateau, including bosses, it seems intended to balance encounters against high avoidance tank gear. It also makes the rogue ability Evasion less effective. It does not require any particular raid strategy to counter, but tanks and rogues should be aware of it.

    Meteor Slash
    This is a 30 yard range fire based frontal cone attack. It has a 1 second cast time and a 12 second cooldown. It deals 20000 damage split between all targets within the cone, and applies a stacking debuff that increases fire damage by 75%. It lasts for 40 seconds. This cannot be resisted, dodged, parried or miss.

    A fire based damage over time attack. At any point during the duration of the debuff, if the afflicted player moves within 2-3 yards of another player, they will spread a fresh debuff to the new player. Burn is randomly targeted. Damage starts at negligible amounts and increases every few ticks, culminating with a ~6000 tick at the end. The debuff lasts 60 seconds, can be resisted, and is removed by Cloak of Shadows, Iceblock, and Divine Shield.

    This reduces the armor of Brutallus' primary target by 50% for 10 seconds and also deals 18850-21150 physical damage after mitigation. It will hit a well geared tank for approximately 5000. Note that this attack removes the Burn debuff.

    Brutallus has a very fast attack speed and hits off hand and main hand. Without Stomp, his main hand will hit for 6-8000 and his off hand will hit for ~3000. During a Stomp they will increase to 8-11000 and 4-5000 respectively.

    After 6 minutes Brutallus will gain a 500% increase to his damage and 150% increased attack speed. This will kill even Shield Wall-ed tanks.



    The Raid will be split into 3 groups. The melee will be their own group; they will remain in the same position for the entire fight. Prior to the pull, or on early attempts, each melee should be assigned a position 2-3 yards apart so as not to spread the Burn debuff; Brutallus's tail can and will cover players up and obscure them from view, so moving is not advised. The other two groups will be group A and group B. The remainder of the raid should be split between each of the two tanks. Each of these groups should have between 9-12 players (counting the tank). As much effort as possible should be spent to keep the numbers even. Within each of these groups should be both healers and DPS. Healers should occupy the positions near the front while DPS stay near the back. All players in the raid should have an assigned position and should have no reason to move to anyone else's spot.

    In addition to these are two initially unoccupied areas beside the melee group. This is the Burn areas where players in groups A and B will run to should they get the Burn debuff. Within the Burn areas players should remain spread by 2-3 yards so as not to respread their debuff. In this area the Burned players should continue to DPS and heal all out during their debuff. Healers will need to be placed in groups A and B so that they are in range of the Burn areas. Melee does not have to reposition as they should be spread enough to avoid spreading it and will not be soaking Meteor Slashes. This means they should be able to spend 100% of their time DPS-ing Brutallus.

    The Fight
    This is a very unforgiving fight, the slightest mistake can be the difference between a wipe and a kill. All damage increasing debuffs should be used on Brutallus (Curse of Recklessness, though it will increase Brutallus' own damage, is necessary). Any debuff which will decrease the raid's damage will be tremendously helpful too.

    The raid will position themselves in their spots and a hunter will use Misdirection to begin the fight. As soon as the tank has initial aggro, the raid should begin DPS. Any aggro pull, death, or disconnect will almost always result in a wipe.

    Shortly after engaging, Brutallus will do his first Meteor Slash. Everyone in group A should be hit by it. If people are not, they should adjust to make sure they will take the next one. Following three Meteor Slashes, the tank in group B should Taunt. Tanks should offer a count of 3-2-1 over voice comms to allow healers to prepare heals on him. After three Meteor Slashes on group B, the debuff on group one should have worn off and at that point group A's tank should do as group B's tank did previously: count and then Taunt. That rotation will continue for the duration of the fight.

    Throughout the fight, Brutallus will cast Burns. All healers and ranged DPS should move to the Burn spots shown in the diagram. It is imperative that those with Burn get out of the frontal cone immediately. Having the Meteor Slash debuff for the final few ticks of Burn will result in a death for almost anyone. The first few ticks are only for a few hundred, so the priority should be getting out of the Meteor Slash cone over getting to the safe spot. When a Burned player reaches the safe spot they should make it a point to make sure they are out of the cone: it is rather wide and completely lethal. Players must almost make sure not to spread their flame to players whose Burn has just worn off.

    Along with Burn, Brutallus will cast another debuff, but only on his current target: Stomp. Healers should make sure to have the latest version of their boss mods that will give them a warning for incoming Stomps. Upon seeing the warning, all tank healers should immediately begin chain casting their best heals on the tank. A half second break in the heals can result in a tank death and a wipe. During a Stomp, tanks should use whatever trinkets they have and be prepared to use Last Stand or Shield Wall.

    Class Roles

    Rogue: Do maximum DPS. Use Cloak of Shadows on Burns to reduce the healing needed.

    Shaman: For enhancement and elemental shaman, do the maximum DPS possible while buffing your group. For restoration shaman, heal the raid following Meteor Slashes, when there are no targets to heal for Meteor Slashes help on tank/Burn targets.

    Paladin: Retribution paladins do maximum DPS. Holy paladins should either be healing the tank or Burn targets. Those on the Burn targets can begin by using Flash of Light and switching to Holy Light as the Burn increases. Healers on the main tank will have to chain cast higher rank Holy Light the entire fight. Use Divine Shield on Burns to maintain heals and reduce healing strain on Burn healers. Blessing of Light should be used on all healers to aid in Burn healing.

    Priest: Shadow priests do maximum DPS. Holy priests should heal the main tank; they should be specced into Inspiration and be chain casting at all times to maintain the buff on the tank. This is key to dealing with the Stomp. Greater Heal should be used at almost all times with Prayers of Mending and Shields being tossed in on cooldown.

    Hunters: Do maximum DPS, apply Scorpid Sting to reduce damage done.

    Warlocks: Do maximum DPS, Curse Of Recklessness should be used in addition to Shadows Doom, and Curse of the Elements if there are enough mages in the raid to warrant it.

    Mages: Do maximum DPS, Iceblock to save healers' mana on Burns.

    Warriors: Tank or do as much DPS as possible. One warrior should have Improved Thunderclap and Improved Demoralizing Shout to reduce damage done. If a DPS warrior is brought he should preferably be arms specced to increase physical DPS.

    Druid: Feral druids should tank or DPS and maintain Faerie Fire and Mangle on the boss at all times to increase raid DPS. Balance druids, if they can maintain the damage, should Insect Swarm and Faerie Fire and do DPS. A single restoration druid should be brought; if there is a lack of other healers two can be. Restoration druids should be responsible for keeping the Burn targets up through Heals over time and Regrowths near the end; should they have time they can place Lifeblooms on the main tank. If they can maintain it and there is no other druid, they should put Faeire Fire and Insect Swarm on the boss at least early on in the fight.

    Miscellaneous Notes
    It can be helpful to have an alt priest and paladin logged out to provide an extra blessing and Improved Divine Spirit in between wipes as any little bit will help.

    The mechanics are very simple but the execution is very difficult; it will take practice and sometimes luck to win.

    Gear is of paramount importance; the requirements of this boss will exclude many players for no reason other than lack of gear. Make sure everyone in your raid has taken every possible opportunity to better their characters.

    A first kill will likely be during an enrage. During the enrage, following tank deaths, paladins can Divine Shield and Taunt to try and push the last percent down.

    This is a tough DPS fight. Stats for a typically close fight with Brutallus can be seen here. Stats of more Brutallus kills are available here (it will be most helpful to examine stats of guilds with similar gear levels to your own).
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    Thanks to Ziros

    Felmyst is the third boss in Sunwell Plateau. She spawns following Brutallus' death and flies around the Dead Scar.

    Raid Setup
    9 Healers
    2 Tanks
    14 DPS

    At least 3 priests should be included, preferably 2 or all 3 being shadow priests, for Mass Dispel. A protection paladin will make Phase 2 significantly easier; many would regard a protection paladin as a requirement for this fight.

    Buffs and Consumables
    The raid must go for maximum DPS and mana regeneration depending on class, spec and role. Healers and Area of Effect (AoE) DPS will need mana regeneration if a shadow priest is not available. This means flasks or elixirs depending on your needs, weapon oils/stones, Destruction Potions, Drums of Battle/Restoration, etc. Tanks will want Flask of Fortification, 30 stamina food, and Ironshield Potions.

    Gear Requirements and Notes
    The only gear requirements are what is needed to kill Brutallus. The main tank does not wear nature resistance gear. A run speed increase to boots enchantment or minor run speed meta gem is highly recommended for everyone because of the fast position changes required in the fight.

    Abilities (Split by Phase)
    ~7 million hit points

    Phase 1

    ~5-7k damage
    ~2 second swing timer

    Corrosion (Nature)
    This ability is used on Felmyst's main aggro target only. It deals around 10k nature damage, which averages to just over 8k on a protection warrior with 3/3 Improved Defensive Stance. It has a 0.75 second cast time, is not reflectable of resistable, and also increases the target's physical damage received for 10 seconds.

    Noxious Fumes (Nature)
    An aura of Felmyst's that hits everyone in a 100 yard radius, ticks every 3 seconds, and deals 1,000 damage a tick. It is not resistable.

    Gas Nova (Nature)
    Gas Nova places a debuff on the entire raid which ticks every 2 seconds, dealing draining 1000 mana and 3000 health. It has a 1 second cast time, a 20-25 second cooldown, and can be dispelled, but is not resistable.

    Encapsulate (Arcane)
    This ability has a 25-30 second cooldown. Felmyst will turn and Encapsulate anyone in the raid for 6 seconds, placing a pink glowing sphere around them, and dealing 3500 damage every 2 seconds to that person, and everyone in a 20 yard range of them. The Encapsulate itself cannot be out ranged, and only Iceblock, Cloak of Shadows and Divine Shield remove it. During the spell, Felmyst channels a pink beam at the target.

    Cleave (Physical)
    A frontal attack, hitting all players immediately in front of Felmyst for around 7k damage.

    Phase 2

    Demonic Vapor (Nature)
    A green beam fired by Felmyst at a random target, and chasing them for around 10 seconds at around normal player running speed, spawning skeletons as it goes. It applies as DoT that deals 2-2.5k damage a tick for 10 seconds if you standing in it or its trail and spawns an extra skeleton. Each skeleton has around 33,000 health.

    Dusting/Green Vapor
    Felmyst breathes this over a third of the fight area three times in Phase 2. The vapor mind controls anyone that enters or is hit by it for the entire duration of the fight. Mind controlled players are slightly buffed, and cannot be released from the mind control, only killed.

    Both Phases

    Noxious Fumes (Nature)
    An aura of Felmyst's, this hits everyone in a 100 yard radius, ticks every 3 seconds, and deals 1,000 non-resistable damage per tick. This is unavoidable given the massive range of the spell.

    Sunwell Radiance
    Chance to hit increased by 5%.
    Enemy chance to dodge reduced by 20%.

    This buff is currently active on all NPCs in Sunwell Plateau, including bosses, it seems intended to balance encounters against high avoidance tank gear. It also makes the rogue ability Evasion less effective. It does not require any particular raid strategy to counter, but tanks and rogues should be aware of it.

    Enrage - 10 minutes
    Felmyst will gain a 500% damage increase on all her abilities.

    The Pull
    Do not use any AoE abilities. This will engage Felmyst if she flies overhead.

    Let the tank shoot or throw to engage Felmyst. A Misdirection should follow, and be completed, before her actual landing. The main tank can build threat before Felmyst lands and begins using her abilities. He will then begin tanking her directly south of the large tree.

    The raid should already be in position before the pull. The Mass Dispel groups are split such that each has a priest (preferably not the main tank healer). Given the amount of damage spread across the raid, paladins are recommended for main tank healing. Mass Dispel groups should be split evenly so no group has more than the maximum number of players a Mass Dispel can hit, which is 10. The healers/DPS can stack on top of each other to ensure Mass Dispel will hit them all while maximizing their range from the melee groups in front of them. Alternatively they can merely clump together to help themselves spread out quickly if one of them is Encapsulated.

    The Fight
    The fight is broken up into two main phases: one where Felmyst is on the ground, and one where Felmyst is in the air. Phase 1 is the ground phase. Phase 2 is the air phase.

    Phase 1 (lasts 1 minute)
    A boss timer mod is recommended for this fight (Bigwigs or DBM). You'll see the two main timers are Gas Nova and Encapsulate. Keep in mind that Felmyst's abilities are on approximate, not exact, cooldowns. She may cast before or after the listed times in the mods. Gas Nova is typically cast twice during each ground phase (with a 20-25 second cooldown), but there are times when she'll only cast it once. The same goes for Encapsulate (but with a 25-30 second cooldown).

    As soon as the Gas Nova timer is up, and before it is being cast, each Mass Dispel priest must begin placing a Mass Dispel so that it will hit each person in his sector. Gas Nova is not on a set timer, so be prepared to wait it out (shadow priests are preferred over healing priests for this reason). As soon as Gas Nova, a 1 second cast, begins, start to cast your Mass Dispel to keep it from doing any damage other than the initial hit. If any ticks get off you're likely to lose someone. A designated Paladin should be in charge of cleansing Gas Nova off the main tank, who is not in Mass Dispel range (the Protection Paladin is ideal for this role).

    Encapsulate is the second concern for the raid during phase 1. Felmyst will turn and target someone before casting Encapsulate. As soon as Felmyst turns towards your group, the entire sector should be running away, preferably towards healers, but most importantly away from the Encapsulated player to avoid taking the arcane damage that will occur once every other second during the Encapsulate. Do not run towards the front of Felmyst. Do not run too far away from your previous group position. As soon as Encapsulate ends, make sure you rush back into position for Mass Dispel. Iceblock and Divine Shield remove Encapsulate and should be saved for this purpose.

    During Encapsulate, Felmyst will not attack the main tank. Healers should top off slow people and fast heals must be used on the person being Encapsulated. However, main tank healers cannot neglect the tank, even during Encapsulate, so make sure he is topped off.

    In the event the main tank is Encapsulated, both melee groups will need to back out to avoid damage. It is a good idea for the main tank to announce that he has been encapsulated as Felmyst will not turn, and so many raid members will not realise it has happenned.

    Corrosion is cast approximately twice throughout the course of each Phase 1 and should not be a problem if enough healers are brought to the raid. Felmyst attacks slowly, so 2 paladins on the main tank with druids and/or priests dropping heal over time spells (Renew, Lifebloom) is enough to keep the main tank alive. Improved Thunderclap and Improved Demoralizing Shout (2/5, 5/5 if CoR) are highly recommended.

    Phase 1 (Raid Roles)
    Main Tank - Maximize threat while surviving. Only move during Phase 1 if you need to shift slightly to get out of Encapsulate damage.

    Main Tank Healers - Watch for the Corrosion debuff and chain cast your heals. During Encapsulate cast quick heals on the person Encapsulated or the raid, but as a priority top off the main tank before the ability ends.

    Raid Healers
    - Constantly use multiple target healing spells; everyone is always taking damage. Throw spare heals at the main tank during Corrosion.

    DPS - Watch your threat entering each Phase 1. Keep DPS-ing while moving away from Encapsulate by using instant cast abilities. You'll have some regeneration time during Phase 2 after the skeletons die. Keep DPS-ing when Felmyst begins to take off at the end of Phase 1.

    Phase 2 (lasts 1 minute, 20 seconds)
    As soon as Felmyst lifts off the raid should be making their way down towards the flames in the south. Continue DPS until the green beam of Demonic Vapor begins. As soon as it appears, the person it is following must run towards the flames surrounding the area and either left or right of the middle, depending on which side he is on. Refer to the diagram below for a better idea of where to avoid. The reason you avoid the center and north area is due to the fact that you need a section clear of Demonic Vapor for the rest of the raid to escape to as well as a clear section to run to during the first Green Vapor (detailed below). Once the Demonic Vapor beam stops, there is a 2 second pause before a second one starts. Only after the second one starts should the raid move to the big tree. Those not being followed by the beam should be DPS'ing Felmyst when possible, but also staying out of the way of the Demonic Vapor target.

    Skeletons will appear after a few seconds of the Demonic Vapor green beam leaving its trail on the ground; approximately 10 will appear per beam. Use either a protection paladin Consecrating along this entire trail or a Righteous Fury paladin healing the raid to keep skeleton aggro off the cloth healers. A warrior's Thunderclap is a good means to get initial aggro on skeletons as soon as they begin to appear but, due to Thunderclap's limited target count, a feral druid in DPS gear should help as well. When the second beam begins and the raid is arriving at the tree, do not begin AoE-ing the skeletons right away. If you have a protection paladin this part of the fight is simple. If not, you'll need to kite the mobs extensively and/or bring some backup tanks. Earthbind Totem will help a lot here. It is not required to DPS the Skeletons before the first Green Vapor dusting, as this will cause aggro problems, and the skeletons health is fairly low (about 33,000).

    You'll want one competent raid member to watch Felmyst as soon as the second Demonic Vapor beam starts. A rogue is optimal but anyone not essential in healing/DPS-ing/tanking skeletons will do. Felmyst will first position herself on the east side and pause. The direction she is pointing in will determine which region she will 'dust' with her Green Vapor. The person watching her must quickly learn her shifts and positioning to determine whether the raid A) stays at the Tree (she is dusting south), B) runs south (she is dusting north), C) stays at the tree (she is dusting super south).

    It is important that the raid does not hug the tree as you have very limited time if you need to run to reach the safe region to the south. The super south region is by the flames and should never be entered except when kiting the Demonic Vapor green beams.

    As soon as the Green Vapor settles on the ground, the raid must inch up towards it. Do not enter it. You want to minimize the time it will take to run to the safe region and be clear if you must. Be safe and back away if you do not need to move regions. If a person is caught during the dusting or enters the Green Vapor, s/he will be mind controlled and must be killed immediately. Silences and stuns are important if this happens as hunters are known to drop Ice Traps, warlocks will fear, and this can send more raid members into the Green Vapor.

    Felmyst will dust with Green Vapor three times, switching sides each time. If you have slow players, you may want to consider moving your raid to the side of the fight are furthest from Felmyst. For example, if she is going to begin dusting from the east, the raid will move towards the west, giving them an extra second or two before the Green Vapor reaches them.

    DPS should wait until the first dusting is complete to start damaging the skeletons. There's plenty of time to kill them, so take your time in order to avoid pulling aggro from the tanks.

    After the third dusting, Felmyst will land on the far west edge. There is no aggro dump, so your ranged DPS will need to consider aggro dumping abilities at this point. If your tank is top in aggro by a significant portion there is no worry; proximity of Felmyst to DPS that are high in threat will require a Misdirection to the tank as she lands. You do not want to engage Felmyst at the far western end of the fight area because then the time taken to move back to the tank spot will be lost time in DPS and will cause broken positioning for the Mass Dispels.

    Phase 2 (Raid Roles)Tanks - Pick up loose skeletons on healers/DPS, be prepared to AoE Taunt if someone calls out for it. Demoralizing Shouts help. Protection paladins begin AoE-ing at the tree as soon as the second Demonic Vapor green beam ends. Healers, DPS and other tanks must bring the skeletons to you. Consecrating on any beams or trails will help as well.

    Righteous Fury Healer - Get to the big tree as soon as the second Demonic Vapor green beam begins. If you get overwhelmed with skeleton aggro, kite them around the Earthbind Totems.

    Healers - During the Demonic Vapor phase, split one half of the healers to the left side of the fight area, and the other half to the right side. Keep anyone within range topped off. After the beams are finished and the skeletons are spawned, the majority of healing should be focused on the skeleton tanks.

    DPS - Use your AoE abilities when it is called for by the tanks, or when the skeletons are clumped if you are kiting them. It is better to wait the extra seconds for a protection paladin to establish aggro on all the mobs than to over aggro. Continuing DPS on Felmyst until the first dusting is highly recommended.

    Shamans - Drop Earthbind Totems until all skeletons are dead, especially if you are still killing them through the 3rd dusting of Green Vapor.

    Mages - Do not Frost Nova: you're likely to kill at least one person per Front Nova because the skeletons will all be rooted and turn to a high threat player in melee range. Improved Blizzard is useful but do not have Frostbite.

    The Finale
    A solid group on their first successful kill will likely take Felmyst to 1% in the air. As of the 2.4.1 patch, Felmyst cannot die in the air. An enraged Felmyst in the air does nothing different: she will die immediately upon landing. This may or may not be changed in the future.

    Learning Notes
    If an attempt is clearly a wipe, you can save repair money and run into the Green Vapor during Phase 2. When there are only mind controlled people left alive, all players will automatically die with zero durability loss.
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    This fight consists of two stages with the twins; one stage with both twins alive, and the second stage with only Lady Sacrolash (who inherits some abilities of Grand Warlock Alythess). Throughout the fight your main challenge is to manage the fire and shadow debuffs and reset them if either stack gets too high. The twins enrage after 6 minutes and kill the raid, one shotting everyone.

    Raid Setup

    Melee Tanks: Two for Lady Sacrolash.

    Ranged Tank: One warlock tank for Grand Warlock Alythess.

    Healers: This set up requires 11 healers: 3 restoration shamans, 2 restoration druids, 2 holy priests and 4 paladins. A group should consist of three paladins and their priest healer.

    Melee: You want one melee group.

    Ranged: Two shadow priests are needed. One for the healing on the melee tanks, and one for the ranged DPS.

    Here is a suggested group configuration:

    Group 1: The two melee tanks and the warlock tanking Grand Warlock Alythess ( hunters can fill the extra 2 spots).
    Group 2: Healers for the main raid. Include 1 restoration shaman, otherwise, arrange according to preference.
    Group 3: Melee DPS group. Include 1 restoration shaman, otherwise arrange according to preference.
    Group 4: Ranged DPS group. Include 1 restoration shaman, otherwise arrange according to preference.
    Group 5: Lady Sacrolash healing group (2 paladins, 1 holy priest, 1 shadow priest, and 1 restoration druid or paladin).

    The healers for the Lady Sacrolash tanks must be in a group (5) together; two paladins are needed for Shadow Resistance Aura and Concentration Aura, which are needed for optimal healing, and they can Divine Shield off a lot of the damage for smoother healing on the two melee tanks. The third healer needs to be a restoration druid or another paladin. The fourth healer must be a holy priest who can heal the entire healing group on the ramp. The fifth member in the group needs to be a shadow priest to supply the healers with enough mana to heal through the phase, since all their shadow resistance gear reduces their healing abilities.

    Gear Requirements

    Melee Tanks: Normal tanking gear, and the PVP trinket.

    Melee Tank Healers: Healers for the melee tanks during phase one will need to be wearing shadow resistance gear. The two paladins on the tanks themselves should have a shadow resistance of 315 (not counting the aura), and the other two healers should have at least 240.

    Raid: Everyone in the raid will need to have their 2 minute PVP trinkets equipped to be able to enable them to escape from the Conflagration ability (see below).

    Buffs and ConsumablesYou'll want to use potions/flasks/food/oils for this fight, as it is a push in healing and in DPS. Shadow Protection Potions are useful for phase 2, but not completely necessary.

    Boss Abilities

    Lady Sacrolash (Shadow Twin)
    Abilities used directly on the two tanks:

    Confounding Blow - Deals 8-9k melee damage and Confounds the tank target for 6 seconds (you'll lose control of your character and move back and forth in position like when a hunter hits you with Scattershot). This also causing a loss of aggro on the tank afflicted. The second tank needs to be able to pick her up when this occurs.

    Shadow Blades - Deals 2500 to 3500 physical damage and puts Dark Strike on the target.

    Dark Strike - Deals 1500-2000 shadow damage and applies a debuff that slows the movement speed of the afflicted player by 10% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

    Abilities used on any raid member:

    Dark Touched - A debuff that causes healing effects to be reduced by 5% each debuff, stacking till 100%. It is applied by any shadow damage coming from Lady Sacrolash's abilities. Only fire damage can clear this debuff from a player.

    Shadow Nova - An AoE ability applied to the player highest on the threat table of Grand Warlock Alythess that is not the tank. As such, it will normally target the DPS on Grand Warlock Alythess. It deals about 3000 shadow damage to everyone within 10 yards of the target and occurs every 30 seconds. You want this to hit everyone in the main raid in stage one to ensure that everyone's Flame Touched debuff gets reset (see below).

    Shadow Image - Mini copies of Lady Sacrolash spawn by her that cannot be targeted or harmed. They despawn on their own after a small amount of time, so putting distance between the main raid and Lady Sacrolash will cause these mobs to disappear before they can reach the main raid group. They will attack any random player that they can reach within their time limit. Their melee damage (2000-3000) does shadow damage and applies the Dark Touched debuff. They can also apply Shadowfury at random intervals.

    Shadowfury - This debuff is applied by the Shadow Images' melee attacks. It causes 1500-2000 shadow damage (separate from the normal shadow melee damage of the images) and stuns everyone within 8 yards for 2 seconds.

    Grand Warlock Alythess (Fire twin)
    Pyrogenics - A buff on Grand Warlock Alythess that she places on herself that increases all fire damage of spells and effects done by her by 35%. This needs to be Spellstolen or Purged immediately every time that it pops up.

    Flame Touched - The counterpart to Dark Touched, this is applied through fire damage taken from any of Grand Warlock Alythess' abilities and deals about 300 fire damage every three seconds, stacking up to 5000+ fire damage per 3 seconds if left unchecked. Only shadow damage can remove this debuff from players. Everyone in the raid/melee groups therefore needs to be sure they're within 10 yards of each other in order for Shadow Nova to remove this debuff from them.

    Conflagration - There is a 3 second cast time for this debuff which is placed on players on Lady Sacrolash's threat table (it will usually go on tanks and healers in phase 1. It has infinite range), dealing 1600 fire damage every second and Confounding the target for 5 seconds. Confounding is only a temporary loss of aggro during the disorientation effect (you'll lose control of your character and move back and forth in position like when a hunter hits you with Scattershot). This occurs every 30 seconds. Anyone within 8 yards when it starts will also be affected. Using your PVP trinket on this effect removes it completely, including the damage ticks. In phase 2, any player can reset their shadow debuffs by entering the 8 yard range after Conflagration has hits its target. If a player stands within the 8 yards before the cast has finished, they will be Confounded as well. If they move on top of the player after Conflagration has landed, however, they will only take 1600 fire damage for each second they are on top of the Confounded player.

    Blaze - Blaze is cast only on Grand Warlock Alythess' tank's current position. It is a fire on the ground that causes 2550- 3500 fire damage per 2 seconds, left where the warlock tank is standing at the time, so that he has to constantly move to avoid standing in it. It has a small range, of about 2-3 yards, and just about the width of the shoulder on the ramp that the warlock tank stands on.

    Flame Sear - This ability deals 1300 fire damage every second for 6 seconds to three random players, within infinite range. Grand Warlock Alythess places this every 10-15 seconds. It needs intense healing for the targeted players to be able to live through it because it rapidly increases the Flame Touched debuff. Each tick of Flame Sear adds a new stack of Flame Touched, so Flame Sear will add 6 new Flame Touched stacks to a player throughout its duration.


    Phase 1


    The Pull
    The warlock will want to pull Grand Warlock Alythess himself, and a hunter must Misdirect Lady Sacrolash to her tank. The melee tanks then drag Lady Sacrolash up the ramp.

    The Fight

    Everyone needs to occasionally take some fire damage to reset their Dark Touched debuff, and conversely, shadow damage to clear their Flame Touched debuff. Otherwise, one or the other will stack up out of control. Some parts of the raid will be taking a lot of shadow damage and so need to purposefully take some fire damage occasionally, and for some players it will be the other way round. The main raid will be taking mostly fire damage, and only staying in range of Shadow Novas will reset their Flame Touched debuff. The healers on the melee tanks will be taking mostly shadow damage, and only running into a Blaze or the occasional Flame Sear or Conflagration will reset their Dark Touched debuffs.

    Lady Sacrolash
    Lady Sacrolash melees, and you are able to move her around the room.

    The two melee tanks above should have two healers directly healing them. Since the healers on the melee tanks need to be in line of sight of the tanks, and therefore will need to stand on the ramp, they are in the range of the Shadow Images from Lady Sacrolash and will be taking heavy shadow damage. A third healer will cover both the tanks if stuns go off on the two main healers, and will also help out the fourth healer with healing the entire Lady Sacrolash healing team. The fourth healer (preferably a holy priest) placed further back, must also be in shadow resistance gear (as they, too, are still in range for the Shadow Images). His job is healing the healers that are on the melee tanks. Each healer must be spread out 8 yards from the nearest other player to ensure that Conflagration does not stun more than one person at a time as they are healing. Having to move can cause the death of a tank due to the healing disruption, so pre-ranging is the safer move.

    The two tanks must keep Lady Sacrolash up on the flat surface above while they stay on the incline for line of sight purposes for the healers. Lady Sacrolash must be tanked as far away as possible from the center where the raid and Grand Warlock Alythess are so that the Shadow Images have more distance to cover between Lady Sacrolash and the raid, thereby having their short life time limit expire before they can assault the main raid.

    Everyone involved on this ramp must run into the Blazes to reset their shadow debuffs when necessary (reset at 10 debuffs for the healers, and the tanks need to go reset every time they are not directly holding the boss). The Blaze will deal about 3k damage, so be prepared to heal for it.

    Grand Warlock Alythess
    Grand Warlock Alythess stays stationary in the middle of the lower part of the room, and is tanked by a warlock at range.

    All of the ranged DPS and healers for Grand Warlock Alythess must stack up right on top of one another, and be within 10 yards of the stacked melee group so that Shadow Nova hits everyone when it goes off, and thus resets all of the Flame Touched debuffs present in the raid. Flame Sear is applied randomly by Grand Warlock Alythess to any player in the room, and it must be healed though quickly to prevent death.

    For the main raid:

    Everyone needs to make sure to run out of the main raid if Grand Warlock Alythess targets them and starts to cast Conflagration. They should run to the left of the raid (as you face Grand Warlock Alythess) and get out of range as quickly as possible. Once Conflagration has gone off on this player and they get Confounded, they must immediately use their PVP trinket to remove the effect. They must return to the raid group immediately, to continue healing/DPSing.

    For the healers on Lady Sacrolash:
    If Grand Warlock Alythess targets a healer on the ramp, the healers should already be spaced 8 yards apart from each other, so Conflagration should only hit one person. Once Conflagration has gone off on a healer and they have become Confounded, they must immediately use their PVP trinket to remove the effect so that they can continue healing. The third healer on the ramp should be prepared to take over on tank healing or group healing.

    Phase 1 ends when Grand Warlock Alythess falls.

    Phase 1 Class Comments

    Main Tanks: The two tanks above need to stand apart at opposite sides (width length) of the ramp to avoid hitting each other with Conflagration, so at least 8 yards apart. When one tank gets Confounded, the other one needs to pick up the boss so she does not run off. If a tank gets Conflagration, they need to use their PVP trinket to get out of it quickly, especially if their co-tank is Confounded. They must watch their shadow debuffs, and reset them in the Blazes left on the ramp's shoulder by the Grand Warlock Alythess tank.

    Warlock Tank: The tank for Grand Warlock Alythess should be up on the shoulder of the ramp, dropping Blazes along it so that the tank healers behind him and the two tanks at the top can reset their shadow debuff stacks easily. He must stay on the ramp as much as he can, so that he is in line of sight of his healers below in the main raid.

    Melee DPS: Melee DPS players need to make sure that they are within 10 yards of the rest of the raid behind them. They need to be sure to run out of the main raid if Conflagration targets them. They need to use their PVP trinket to get out of Conflagration and return to their group immediately after it hits.

    Hunters: Hunters will need to Misdirect to the tanks at the start of the fight.

    Mages: Mages need to be aware of and Spellsteal the Pyrogenics buff on Grand Warlock Alythess.

    Priests: Circle of Healing or Prayer of Healing is good for healing your assigned group. Make sure to keep everyone topped up on health, and pay extra attention to those with Flame Sear or the Flame Touched debuff (until Shadow Nova resets it).

    Druids: One restoration druid can heal a group, and the other needs to be healing the warlock tank. They need to make sure to run out of the main raid if Conflagration targets them. They must move quickly especially if they are in tree form.

    Paladins/Melee tank healers: Paladins need to watch their shadow debuffs and reset them in the Blazes left by the Grand Warlock Alythess tank (just run in and take one tick of the 2-3k damage). They also must make sure to be constantly chain healing the Lady Sacrolash tanks, as they can take a lot of damage. If these healers get in trouble with too many Shadow Images on them, they need to use Divine Shield. The third healer must help heal on both the entire healing group on the ramp, or on the tanks, depending on stuns.

    Shamans: Use Chain Heal on the main raid to keep anyone from dipping too low in health

    Phase Two:


    The Pull
    The two melee tanks must drag Lady Sacrolash down to the middle of the room.

    The Fight
    Lady Sacrolash gains the Conflagration ability of her now dead twin Grand Warlock Alythess. Her other normal abilities from phase one remain constant. Conflagration is now the only fire damage present in the room, and must be used to reset the Dark Touched debuffs stacking on the raid.

    Since Lady Sacrolash will be in the middle, everyone will be in the life duration range of the Shadow Images, so people need to watch their Dark Touched debuffs and reset them (usually at about 10 stacks). To reset the Dark Touched debuffs, just run on top of the Conflagrated person in the proper spots. The raid stays generally spread (as shown) to avoid the Shadowfury stun from stunning multiple players at once.

    Ranged Players
    Two groups go up each ramp and spread out along the ramp so that Shadowfury does not stun everyone at the same time. Stand on the shoulder of the ramps so players can heal/DPS from above, otherwise you'll run into a line of sight issue.

    Walk off the ramp at a slight angle if Conflagration targets you and drop down below to drop your Conflagration before the casting finishes, leaving you in the designated area on the diagram. Don't run and jump and thus land on top of the melee. Do not use your PVP trinket to get out of Conflagration, as members need to use it to reset their shadow debuffs.

    Once your Conflagration has expired, return to your earlier position up the ramp. Players need to step on top of the player who has been Conflagrated if their Dark Touched debuffs stack too high.

    Melee DPS and tanks stay in the center of the room to continue DPS. Melee and the tanks can just walk out during the cast time to the indicated spots to go through their Conflagrations. Melee do not use their PVP trinket to get out of Conflagration either, so that raid members can reset their Dark Touched debuffs.

    Phase 2 Class Comments

    Main Tanks: The two tanks need to stand a few yards apart (to avoid sharing stuns). When one tank gets Confounded, the other one needs to pick up the boss so she does not run off. If a tank gets Conflagration, they need to run out to the Conflagration spots and only use their PVP trinket if their co-tank is Confounded so they can Charge back in to pick up the boss as quickly as possible. Tanks need to watch their shadow debuffs, and reset them in the Conflagrations of other members (after the other member's initial Conflagration goes off).

    Melee: Use the same position as phase 1, only on a different twin, and continue standard DPS.

    Ranged DPS: Stand on the ramps and be ready to drop down to be hit by Conflagration below.

    Priests: Circle of Healing or Prayer of Healing is good for healing your assigned group. Make sure you keep everyone topped up on health, and keep an eye on the Conflagrations below as those members will be taking the full duration damage of Conflagration.

    Paladins: Continue to heal the two melee tanks.

    Shamans: Again, Chain Heal the raid on your side of the ramp and also the melee to keep players from dipping too low in health. Use your last or remaining Heroism on this phase to burn down the remaining twin
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    M'uru is the 5th and last boss before Kil'Jaden in Sunwell. It is an extremely intensive fight requiring everyone in the raid to be performing at their best from start to finish without fail. During phase 1 you will be fighting against M'uru, his abilities, and the adds that spawn. In phase 2, after M'uru transforms into Entropius, it is an all out DPS and healing race to down Entropius before he wipes the raid.

    Raid Setup
    4 Tanks: One of these will be a paladin tank to handle the Void Spawns. For the other three spots, warrior tanks seem to handle this fight much more easily than druid tanks due to their Disarm ability.

    6 Healers: This fight favours shamans and priests due to their ability to heal multiple targets at once. However, a mix of healers is recommended.

    15 DPS: At least 2 shadow priests, 3 warlocks and 2 mages are recommended. Fill the rest of the spots with your best DPS players.

    Gear Requirements
    Generally speaking, if you have made it this far in Sunwell your gear for the fight will be fine.

    Add Tanks: Use normal tanking gear.
    Void Sentinel Tank: Use your normal tanking gear, maybe switching out 1 or 2 items for shadow resistance if needed, but generally it won't be.
    Void Spawns (Paladin) Tank: 200 shadow resistance is recommended on top of your normal tanking gear.
    Melee DPS: Your best DPS gear is recommended.
    Ranged DPS: The best DPS gear you have is recommended.
    Healers: The best healing gear you have is recommended.

    Buffs and Consumables
    As with most bosses in Sunwell, you will want full standard raid buffs as well as flasks, elixirs, foods and potions. This is a very intensive fight so everyone must put out everything they have. Healers will be using Mana Potions almost constantly to keep their mana high.

    Boss Abilities

    M'uru - 3,000,000 HP
    Negative Energy - A black beam (that looks like a black Chain Lightning) randomly hits 4-6 people for ~1k of unresistable shadow damage. This is cast every second and must be out healed.

    Darkness - Every 45 seconds after M'uru is engaged he creates a Void Zone around himself for 20 seconds which deals 3000 non-resistable shadow damage to anyone stood within it and also, whilst the player remains in the Darkness area, applies a debuff reducing healing taken by that person by 100%. This is easily avoidable and nobody should be hit by it.
    - Dark Fiends - Every time M'uru casts Darkness he also spawns 8 Dark Fiends at equal spaces around himself (see diagram, below). These are magical creatures and need to be Dispelled by priests or Purged by shamans to kill them. They move slowly towards a random target in the raid, and if they reach their target they deal 5000 damage to everyone in the raid, which will lead to a wipe. A priest's Mass Dispel positioned correctly will kill all of these creatures in one shot.

    Summon Humanoids - After the first 10 seconds, and every 60 seconds thereafter in phase 1, M'uru will summon 3 humanoids from each side of his room (6 humanoids in total). Each group will consist of 2 Shadowsword Berserkers and 1 Shadowsword Fury Mage. The tank on each side of the room needs to pick up the Mage and one of the Berserkers while the second Berserker is Polymorphed. Due to the speed at which they move, they should not be feared. All humanoids need to be killed by the start of the next wave otherwise they will overwhelm the raid.

    Humanoid Abilities
    - Shadowsword Berserker - 130,000 HP - Duel wielding melee damage. These mobs hit for around 3-4k main hand and 1-2k offhand very quickly. They need to be disarmed to reduce the damage dealt. Occasionally they buff themselves with Flurry, which doubles their attack and movement speed for 6 seconds. During a Flurry, Shadowsword Berserkers should ideally be stunned.
    - Shadowsword Fury Mage - 110,000 HP - This is a caster that also hits very hard with melee (3-4k). They cast Fel Fireball, a 2 second cast which does 5-6k fire damage (which is resistible). They also give themselves a magical buff called Spell Fury. This causes spells to become instant cast and to deal 50% more damage, although the Mage is also immobilised. Spell Fury must be Spellstolen by a mage in order to avoid burst damage on the tank.

    Summon Void Sentinel - Every 30 seconds after M'uru is engaged he will Summon a Void Sentinel randomly from one of 6 fixed locations in the room.
    - Void Sentinel - 40,000 HP - Hits for roughly 10k on tanks and has 2 abilities.
    -- Shadow Pulse - A point blank area of effect ability (centered on the boss himself, like Baron Geddon's Inferno), this deals 4k shadow damage every 3 seconds.
    -- Void Blast - 1.5 second cast time - This deals roughly 11k shadow damage to the tank and applies a debuff slowing attack speed by 35%. This must be Spell Reflected.
    -- Spawn Void Spawns - Upon dying, the Void Sentinel spawns 8 Void Spawns. These need to be tanked by a paladin immediately to stop them running around and wiping the raid.
    --- Void Spawns - ~5000 HP - Melee for 1k
    ---- Shadow Bolt Volley - An AoE attack dealing 1500 damage to anyone within 20 yards. Because of this ability, Void Spawns must be tanked away from the rest of the raid.

    Enrage - The fight has a 10 minute enrage timer (across both phases added together) which increases all damage done by M'uru or Entropius by a factor of 5, instantly wiping the raid.

    Entropius - 2,200,000 HP
    Negative Energy - This is the same as M'uru's ability, except it also places a debuff increasing damage taken as the fight goes on.

    Black Hole - This places a much smaller version of the Darkness ability anywhere in the room and spawns a Dark Fiend and a Fissure. The Fissure must be avoided and the Dark Fiend must be Dispelled or Purged immediately. The Fissure causes random pulling effects on players, much like Zul'jin's Tornados.

    Enrage - The fight has a 10 minute enrage timer (across both phases added together) which increases all damage done by M'uru or Entropius by a factor of 5, instantly wiping the raid.


    Phase 1

    This diagram shows where your raid should position themselves when they run into the room.

    The Pull
    Everyone must run into the room before the barriers preventing people running in or our go up. M'uru is untankable so everyone can go all out from the start to burn him as low as possible before the first wave of Humanoids come.

    The Fight
    The actual M'uru phase is not complicated. It just involves repeating the same tasks over and over. However, due to the damage and healing output that is needed, it requires everyone to output as much DPS and healing as possible.

    The 2 main groupings should be made equally, with each group consisting of:

    1 Tank
    1 Tank Healer
    1 Raid Healer
    1 Void Sentinel / Void Spawn Tank Healer
    1 Mage
    5-6 DPS

    After everyone runs in and the encounter starts, the 2 main groups should split up and move to their positions. The paladin tank and Void Sentinel tank can stay on M'uru for a little longer until the first Void Sentinel spawns.

    After 10 seconds, the first wave of humanoids will spawn. Each side will need to have a mage Polymorph one Berserker while the tank picks up the Mage and the other Berserker (and disarms it). DPS on each side need to then kill the humanoids in the 60 seconds before the next wave comes. The suggested kill pattern is to kill the Berserker, then the Mage, and then the second Berserker.

    The Void Sentinel tank will need to wait until a doorway opens up, indicating the spawn location of a Void Sentinel. When it appears, he must run over and pick it up very quickly (otherwise it will aggro onto healers). Once the tank has the Void Sentinel, he needs to drag it over to the paladin tanking location whilst not moving too close to the raid, so as to avoid hitting the raid with the Void Sentinel's AoE damage. Meanwhile, the Warlocks in the raid DPS the Void Sentinel down. The picture here shows the possible spawn locations of the Void Sentinel.

    Once in location, the Void Sentinel needs to be killed. When the Void Spawns then arrive, the Paladin tank must immediately pick them up. The Warlocks will then plant Seeds of Corruption to kill them quickly before the next Sentinel spawns. If the paladin tank has any spare time between Void Spawns, it is usually best to simply hang by the next Void Sentinel and be ready for the next spawn.

    After 45 seconds, the first Darkness will be cast. The shadow priests in the raid must Mass Dispel the Dark Fiends as soon as they spawn (otherwise it will quickly lead to a raid wipe). One Mass Dispel properly placed will hit all 8 Dark Fiends. If a Dark Fiend resists the Mass Dispel, single target Dispel that Dark Fiend using the macro described in phase 2, below.

    Each person needs to keep repeating these actions without fail while the shadow priests in the raid kill M'uru. Once M'uru dies, Entropius spawns and phase 2 will begin.


    As there are only 6 of you, you will be divided up into very specific roles.

    1 healer will heal the entrance tank.
    1 healer will heal the back tank.
    1 healer will heal the Void Sentinel tank.
    1 healer will heal the paladin tank.
    2 healers will raid heal.

    Unless you have an exceptionally large am mount of mana regeneration, try to focus on using your most mana efficient heals to save as much as possible for phase 2 of the fight.

    Once M'uru reaches 0%, phase 2 will begin.

    Class Specific Roles
    Warriors - If tanking, you must keep Disarming the Berserkers in order to allow your healer to be as mana efficient as possible. If DPSing, make sure you keep using Sweeping Strikes and Cleave as soon as possible to maximise your damage output.

    Priests - Use your most efficient heals possible for the job you are given. Don't be afraid to use Mana Potions early to keep your mana high. Shadow priests will be exclusively DPSing M'uru. You need to put out as much damage as you can in order to give your groups mana back and get through phase 1 before the enrage timer runs out.

    Mages - You need to Polymorph the Shadowsword Fury Mages without failing. A single missed Polymorph can wipe the raid. When the Shadowsword Fury Mages use their Spell Fury buff, you must Spellsteal it immediately and use it to either kill the humanoids or to help kill M'uru (if your DPS is high enough on the side). Normally, however, you will need to use it to help kill the Humanoids.

    Shamans - Chain Healing is key, due to the massive am mount of raid healing needed you really do dominate the healing in this fight. DPS shamans need to use everything they have to kill the humanoids as quickly as possible.

    Rogues - Kill the humanoids. When the Berserkers put Flurry up, use Kidney Shot to prevent their boosted damage output from killing your tank.

    Paladins - Heal your assigned target or tank. If tanking, make sure you don't lose any of the Void Spawns.

    Hunters - Kill the humanoids as quickly as possible. If you get the time, switch to M'uru to help DPS it down.

    Druids - You will almost certainly be in a healing role if brought. Keep heals over time up on the Sentinel and Spawn tanks if you can. If you are DPSing, push the DPS to kill the humanoids quickly.

    Warlocks - Help with the humanoids when you can, but otherwise you need to help kill the Sentinels as fast as possible then use Seed of Corruption on the Void Spawns to kill them.

    Phase 2


    The Pull
    The main tank will have to go up to Entropius and pick him up. Hunters should Misdirect to help with aggro. The rest of the raid should spread out to avoid pulling aggro accidentally when Entropius spawns.

    The Fight
    After M'uru reaches 0%, phase 2 will begin. This will be signaled by demon portals spawning in the room and energy flowing towards M'uru. While this is happening, any remaining humanoids still up need to be killed quickly, or, if you only have 1 left on each side, they can be Feared or Polymorphed continually. Having too many humanoids up when Entropius spawns will most often lead to a wipe caused by lack of DPS on the boss.

    Once Entropius spawns it is now a DPS and healing race to down him before the Negative Energy debuffs stack up too high and wipe the raid. The tank must pick him up quickly and, while maintaining aggro, kite him around the outer circle shown above. The tank must keep moving to avoid the Black Holes that spawn; DPS and healers must also stay clear of them. During this phase, all DPS players in the raid must use all cooldowns and burn the boss as hard as they can. There is a soft enrage of around one and a half minutes before the debuffs become unhealable, so use everything you have.

    Healers need to constantly heal the tank and the raid; nobody can die early on. During this phase, priests and shamans need to keep an eye out for when the Black Holes spawn and immediately Dispel the Dark Fiend that emerges. Everyone else must avoid the Black Holes and Fissures whilst maintaining maximum DPS.

    This phase will last around 60-90 seconds, after which the damage becomes unhealable and the attempt will be a wipe

    Class Specific Roles
    Warriors - Unless you are tanking, grab a weapon and push out as much DPS as you can.

    Priests - Constantly heal and Dispel the Dark Fiends. Shadow priests DPS and Dispel the Dark Fiends. You can use this macro:

    /cast [target=dark fiend] Dispel Magic

    Mages - Keep a Polymorph up on a phase 1 humanoid if you need to, and DPS as hard as you can.

    Shamans - Chain Heal even more or DPS, use Bloodlusts, Elementals; everything you have. You can also Purge the Dark Fiends with this handy macro:

    /cast [target=dark fiend] Purge

    Rogues - DPS as hard as you can.

    Paladins - Heal the tanks or DPS.

    Hunters - DPS as hard as you can.

    Druids - Heal or DPS.

    Warlocks - DPS as hard as you can. If you are fearing a phase 1 humanoid, make sure you never let it kill anyone.
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    Reserved for Kil'jaeden
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    Premium-mmo's Avatar Banned
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    is this copy paste ?

  8. #8
    Amedis's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Amedis View Post
    A compilation of Sunwell Plateau Boss Stats/Guides:
    It also says who wrote each guide under the bosses name.
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    Darksid's Avatar Member
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    holy crap dude this is like an essay lol nice guide tho +rep

  10. #10
    dragoonman's Avatar Active Member
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    hmm, it seems my eyes are bleeding uncontrollably and i'm suffering from insomnia *stabs pancreas* after reading the wall of green set before me.


  11. #11
    Ken81's Avatar Member
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    didn't you forget about the breaths at Felmyst during phase2?

  12. #12
    Vechter's Avatar Member
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    Also , the name is "Brutallus". Good compilation though. + rep

  13. #13
    vectorian's Avatar Active Member
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    It seems they are all from BossKillers site. Thx for the effort tho.

  14. #14
    Eski's Avatar Contributor
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    Guys, He stated where the guide is from. He is just trying to bring some ACTUAL guides to these forums, instead of 20 million reposts of the same leveling guides.

    Don't even think about flaming.

    +Rep. Thanks

    Edit: Im at my 24 hour limit. I'll come back later.

  15. #15
    deadking5555's Avatar Member
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    Very good job, very helpful

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