I can't answer your question but be aware that if you get caught you will go to jail. A guy in UK got a year for this recently
Bought an account from person A at 2007. It got scammed 2009 by person B.
Now I'm trying to get the account back (got my reasons why so late ).
I contacted blizz support and I now I have to provide a picture/scan of person A's driver's license/passport... I know person A's full name and I got some photoshop skills. So I can create a perfectly real looking driver's license, but the thing is, does blizzard somehow actually check if the information on the ID is correct? Or is it just enough that it looks like the real deal...
I'm from Europe if it matters.
I can't answer your question but be aware that if you get caught you will go to jail. A guy in UK got a year for this recently
i dont really think its a smart idea to commit what is basically identity theft over a wow account. Im not sure how rigorously they check, but as flashburn said, its pretty bad when/if you get caught.
If you are legitimately looking to play again, there are Scroll of Resurrection accounts that are super cheap, free level 80 and expansions, etc. If not, good luck sir
dont risk it, you want jail time for a stupid wow account? if you know the info for the account, go to lost account and change the email, or password. you can call bliz and they will do it for you. my email and pass was changed last year, ( i cannot drive, but soon ) i provided all my info about the account and got it back. he changed the email and my password. calling blizz helps alot more, but this account has been created by me. so it could be a bit more of a prob if its not ur original account. call 1-800-59- Blizzard for help. good luck
Evil Evol Evol Something with the word "Evol" why??---Because Evol is Love backwords
Thank you for the responses.
I will reconsider the whole thing... I'd rather not spent any time in jail.
It's just that the original owner won't be missing out on anything and will never even know about the whole thing... It's just a fight between me and the scammer. So there's nobody who would rage to blizzard about someone stealing their account using a fake id. As far as I know, the scammer has no way of finding out the original owners information.... We'll see....
Last edited by Rotten666; 11-15-2012 at 04:17 AM.
LOL blizz isnt gonna report anyone for forging documents even if they did notice
NO they do not check against any databases to verify its legitimacy-- I have forged them myself on many occasions
I acctually got caught once... blizz didnt even ban the account fully it just remained locked and they replied to the ticket with "please dont submit fake documents etc etc" the rest of my battle.net is still unbanned.
What he said. They don't check it, and when they catch you (if you do something obviously bad lol) they'll say something along those lines "piss off its fake" and you are good to go. I really am interested to find out what on earth did the guy do get jailtime. Unban one account too many? lol
If you want a real answer.
They look at expiration dates, your name, your country, and your face.
Thats it, if multiple IDs have been sent in, they may ask for Government IDs.
This works 90% of the time, IF you plan to get caught. Not a good idea, just make a new account, and work your way up, way more satisfaction in that.
That was the stupidest thing i've ever read.
IF Blizzard notices you forging fake government-issued documents. You have to be reported, otherwise that's blizzards fault, if you actually get away with things.
Unless you can prove it, you're a liar.
Let's say i forge a ID for a Virtual game, whats the difference in forging a ID for a paypal account, if a paypal person asks, it's still forging someone ID, which is Identity Theft. Definitely punishable.
EU Blizzard is very lax with this kindve stuff you could prolly use your own picture and photoshop the name and be ok!
All dat necro in this thread
Anyways don't use your own picture, 90% success rate if you do everything correctly... Contact a WoW ID expert forger and ask him the questions you got
Professional Challenge Mode Carries seller
If I helped you, you know what to do
Thats a fellony, a guy from the UK sat in Jail for 1 year for the exact same thing.
I don't think they check it, but if you do get caught, may god have mercy on ya.
i have heared many some guys worked by that way really! if its first recoverying it works 95%,the ID's expire date and content should be valid info tho.mutilple recovery fails will cause it becomes harder and harder.