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So I put my acc on craigslist (Apparently that was a bad idea) and I had tons of offers.. Soo this guy made a deal with me and all and he was a bit bad with english and almost as if he was using a online translator. I didn't mind that because I wanted the account sold. After he sent a payment and all, I quickly put the acc onto battle.net on a seperate e-mail account and I gave him all the info including the e-mail account. About 30 minutes later he changes the acc password and e-mail address.
He charged the money back this morning (It say's its on hold by paypal).
I know it probably won't be hard for me to get my account back, but should I wait to see how paypal resolves it or call blizzard immidietly?
If I don't get the money, at least what I want to do is have him spend his valuable time on the acc and then take it back so he has something to lose too.