I will have an account unbanning service soon if my current accounts work (used to work but I quit for awhile).. What would you be willing to pay?
A few months ago I was scamming people on a popular account buying/selling website. I was able to do this about 3 different times, recovering the account each time. The last time I got permabanned, because the guy I scammed really got pissed I guess. When they sent me the email stating that I was permabanned, it wasn't because of suspected Fraud or Scamming. It was because the account was compromised too many times and kept getting reported as stolen.
I was wondering if there's ANY way at all to recover a permabanned account. I have all of the information for the account. I was thinking I could make up some sad story linking it to how my account got stolen, like my laptop was stolen from an internet cafe` while I was going to the bathroom, and I'm in the military, so I haven't had time to call and retrieve the account.
Any ideas?
I will have an account unbanning service soon if my current accounts work (used to work but I quit for awhile).. What would you be willing to pay?
I literally have $20 to my name at the moment. I get paid next week, but 90% of my check is going to late bill payments. I don't think I'm in a good position to pay for anything extra than what I need at the moment.
What I was going to do was just email, "[email protected]" and see what I could do there.
No use, They wont unban your account unless you send in a fax... (Unless you mislead them like I do )
im willing to do it for free hit me up with a pm if interested mate.
Things u will need but
Email Access:
Account Name:
Full Name:
This helps
---->ME<----: xD
Now ima write a little 1 here
What you do is send blizz an email with a story which u were right
mine was " I got home today, and checked my emails to find that my i account was banned, and i don't see how this is possible as i have been away for 2 weeks without any access to a pc." another 1 ive used is i was on a school camp u mkae up 1 were there can be no proof saying it was u 10% chance it was u as ur only person able to do that and ur done for
another i have used is that "i have 4 brothers" we share a pc and 1 of them is really into coding, and i was scanning my pc and it found "Ardamax" and i asked him he said thats definetlly a keylogger told them that sed i deleted it my pc is secure now tada accoun back"
Ardamax is a keylogger (used it b4 thats howi know it rofl) anyway thats jsut a lil guide
main ones for first offences r keyloggers n virus's after about 3 offences make up story's as u were away... if u need more help or want me to help u with a story just pm me mate hope i helped u
Last edited by Staunton; 10-10-2009 at 12:11 AM. Reason: didnt make sence
Staunton, when you made up these bad stories did you also include your horrible grammar and spelling?
Mm, if only Melon's services worked for EU accounts. I would be a happy bunny.
If only Melon would reply to pms.
This is what happened to me, I remember paying someone from this website under the name "Glovek" ([email protected]) about 90$ rather to get my account unbanned, and It never happened -.- which I'm kinda upset and pissed off about, since its been so long. If you guys could help me get it unbanned, that would make me that much happier