hey alter ;D ich würds für dich versuchen, schreib mich mal in MSN an:
[email protected]
I want to try a mix out of a Fake "WoW-Hack-Tool" and a youtube video ...
I could make the Video where i am playing on live server and run through walls and anything... but don't got the knowledge to make an application where you just put in your accountname and password which is getting uploaded then to an FTP ...
The GUI for the Programm is already made and the video is in work ... so anyone wants to try their luck with me? Would prefer someone from US because then we can spear the Accounts to EU and US (me EU) ...
Sooo PM me or post here if you are interessted
“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” John W. Gardner
hey alter ;D ich würds für dich versuchen, schreib mich mal in MSN an:
[email protected]