1. You are going to jail
2. You are going to HELL
1. You are going to jail
2. You are going to HELL
Not sure exactly what you mean but if you payed with scammed money and recieved the items to your house then your Paypal account will go into a negative state which requires you to top it back up to neutral again, if you don't do this they will pass the case on to a debt collecting firm and you will have someone knocking on your door![]()
It depends... Were you dumb enough to use a legit paypal?
Well that was just stupid
Your paypal will end up on a negative balance and you will recieve a letter through your door giving you 3 days to pay otherwise you will have to appear in court, thats when you are ****ed lol. So get it sorted asap.
return the items and pay the money.
or the partyvan is gonna show up at your house.
I don't know really, i mean i live in the UK and a year ago or so i owed paypal like £120. They kept sending me letters but never took action.
If you need me you have my skype, if you don't have my skype then you don't need me.
I also live in the UK i got a letter cos i owed them £60 left it and 4 days later had dept collectors at my door so i just paid it. If i never paid they would of took me to court and i would of had to pay it plus a fine.
So you best off either returning the items or pay your balance back to zero and close your account.
On my paypal i have fake details but on the website i gave real info
Forgot to add i'm 16 years old
Everyone says they will knock on your door, but I have never heard of this happening. I myself owed paypal about 200 for 6 months and they did nothing.
i owe 60$ , i kept getting emails from telling me restore my balance .. i had real info . nothing ever happened to me.. sooner or later they closed my account
If your debt is large enough they may sell your debt to a collection agency that will attempt to collect from you. I'm pretty sure Paypal can't ask the site you used for the contact info you provided without breaking a few laws. If you tell a debt collection agency that you wish to communicate with them only through email, they must comply. If they continue to attempt to communicate through methods you have requested they not use, they have broken the law and it's possible that you could make a civil claim against them. If you never pay, the agency will probably put a collection record on your credit report, which is bad. At least that's how it is in the US.
Problem is you're 16 and I assume you live with your parents, so the agency's first attempt to communicate with you, if they manage to get your real contact info, will most likely be intercepted by your parents and you will be screwed.
My advice to you is to pay it as soon as possible.
Hm, I don't want to encourage you to scam, but since you already started, perhaps you could make a FAKE paypal this time, use it to buy wow gold (while behind a proxy or at an internet cafe or something) with your scammed money, then sell the gold to a different china site using your real paypal, and slowly pay the money back that you owe on your real account. It's a way to launder the money and the chinese or whoever you bought from end up getting screwed or just never refunding to paypal. Lulz!
"As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. But the wind passes over, and soon all disappears; and his place will no more exist."
good luck man. you should at least be prepared for this
I had debt of £280 with Paypal as i legitimately sold something on ebay which someone used to a stolen credit card to buy. I was 14 at the time and didn't realise as everything seemed legit. The person whos credit card it was got there cash back due to insurance which meant I then owed Paypal £280. Like I said at the time I was 14, they sent me letters until I was 16 demanding I show them proof of postage (which i happened to have and I faxed that through to them). They then asked for a fax of my passport as I was not 18 and I didnt hear from them again. However they waited 2 years until I was 18 and decided to send the letters out once again, I went to the citizens advice beuro and they said this is illegal but turns out its not, so I ended up organising a settling fee of £120 for them to throw the case out, because otherwise I would of ended up at court and have a bad credit rating at the age of 18, which is a very bad thing to have.