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Hello brobots.
I need a gold scammer's help. I have a working account with a level 80 Alliance, and a level 72 Horde toon on it on my main server, coincidentally.
I'm in a bit of a bind. I constantly have less then 100g, and I raid, so a lot of that is spent on repairs and consumables. I also do not have epic flying.
If I give you the account name and password, I need someone to scam me as much gold as possible, and hopefully launder it for me. I'm not asking for like 200k or some impossible number, but hopefully enough for epic flying skill and maybe some extra gold on the side to keep up with raiding costs.
I know I'll get flamed, asked why I can't do this myself, and I'll say that I've tried scamming and failed. Badly. I've had a gold company call my house at midnight. It was bad.
So I ask you gold scammers, hear my cry.
If you want to contact me, PM me here or through AIM - Shameless9405
Yeah, I r sekcz.
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PM me for Signatures!
I can do much money with gambling I just need starting money like 15-20 gold or someting . If u have a blank account I can do it in it too