[BUMP] This is free and 100% legit. I have the WoW EU login page and the WoW US login page, I can also edit the infomation forum and stuff for you!
Hello there, So I'm technically a leecher, And iv decided to give you all something back, I am offering a FREE WoW Phisher making service with the EU or the US login page. I get the hosting account, You get the link to the information file, All i ask is that once a week or something i can come in and take maybe one account ( Probably not even that). I know all thinking OMFG hes a scammer cause he keeps the hosting account! Well i assure you I'm not, I want to give something back to this community. I will NOT be doing any advertising what so ever. I can edit some of the forms and suck on the phisher for you so you could make a free 30 day playtime scam or whatever.
So MMOwned, If you need a phisher that I can customise for you then add me on msn at
Or my aim atCode:[email protected]
With thanks to cXm0d for the Us Phisher ( I edited it a little )Code:Destruox
Also with thanks to Cluus for his EU phisher.
Last edited by Zeluous; 01-23-2009 at 04:58 AM.
[BUMP] This is free and 100% legit. I have the WoW EU login page and the WoW US login page, I can also edit the infomation forum and stuff for you!
So you're basicly just making the phisher, then we have to find all the emails and send it out. And you're going to keep the hosting account? Making the phisher is so damn easy, and there's plenty of posts on how to do it. Also, there's people doing this without expecting anything in return. Last, bumping your own thread is not allowed.
Nice that you're doing something tho, but this is not the way to do it. That's my opinion, maybe somebody else thinks otherwise.
Well the phisher is up and running but since i'm not good at making videos it have to wait for later on tonight. But so far so good. +raep now and another one later if everything works works smooth
I think this is a nice contribution, since some of us don't know what the hell a html or php code is... Not that its hard to copy paste (from the other guides telling you how to do it), but it kinda teams people up and would motivate other nabs to get into scamming...
PS: That just means, fewer victims for us.. I take it all back!
Whats the point in flaming me?
You're a donator, this belongs in the services forum.
Pretty nice of you though.
Legit und fast! Thanks!
This is 100% legit. works very well and it is free just ask hima nd he will make it for ya. super simple. Very nice guy.got me started on a project :-p thanks alot destruox
100% Legit and very fast!! +rep!