btw the search tool rocks![]()
I shouldn't be posting this, but I'm desperate.
I have two accounts, one with a 76 DK and a 74 Druid.
On the other account I have a 70 BE Hunter, 2/5 S2, rest Outland/Northrend Greens.
I recently lost my job due to layoffs and was wondering (Since things aren't looking good at the moment..) If I'm able to.. "Sell" this account then recall it and keep the money? Sell it to a professional site or even Markee (spelling?) I looked for a guide on this but didn't see any.
If anyone has a link, tips or anything of the sort It would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much.
btw the search tool rocks![]()
Be careful with this. sell it on markee and take Western Union only. if you sell it to a company (all companies pay paypal) and recall the account, they will recall the payment. if you do not have the payment in your paypal balance, youre put into a negative balance and debt collection agencies will harrass you until you pay. sell it western union only if the account is going to be recalled at any time
Use Australian Paypal, they do not require to have a card or bank card to be verified.
Good luck!
It works.
[Royal] Has told me that! So Na Ha! :P