Okay to cut a long story short I sold a scammed account for $150. The guy I was talking to did seem kinda dodgy but if the money had been recalled back I wouldn't have really cared since it wasnt my account to begin with.
However PayPal have now emailed me saying that although the money hasnt been recalled my account has been frozen because they payment I recieved was from a hacked/scammed PayPal.
So now PayPal want me to refund the money or give proof that I carried out the transaction. For obvious reasons I dont want to give back the money as I only scammed because I really need the money. However I cant just say that I sold something that had been scammed anyway.
So any help would be greatly appreciated!
P.S Im a leecher however I have been on this site for less than a week so I really havent had enough time to contribute something worthwhile yet.
So theires three options.
I have not posted the auction and I would like to refund it :
I can provide proof the auction was posted:
I have refunded the payment.
So yeah which one to pick?
Several questions you need to answer before we can offer any (helpful) advice.
1. Does the PayPal account have ANY personally identifiable information on it?
2. Did you use a proxy ( and a decent one at that )?
3. Does the other person have any information about you? (This is less important however, because it sounds like it was a Chinese person, who use stolen PayPals. They dont have any room to be reporting anything ).
However, I would personally advise, very strongly, against doing anything shady with PayPal, unless you know what you're doing. And your post tells me that you dont. Just remember to think about EVERYTHING before you scam. Problems, consequences, rewards, the whole thing.
I dont know whether it because ive had a bad day or not but your post sounds condescending and disrespectful. I am not anyone's idiot so stop the high and mighty I know better than you bullshit. However if you werent being condescneding ignpre what I said.
What happend is I sold account to random chinese man who hacked someones paypal (I did not know this), they then got PayPal back and realised wheres my money gone? So as far as I can tell I am not in any trouble because its not my fault he got hacked and probably obught a bucnh of other stuff as the email address was well known on md.
So I think I am not in trouble at first I was just worried cause I havent used PayPal before and didnt know that this happens x10000 everyday.
Thanks for any advice tho.
Fine, just don't cry when PayPal calls your mommy about her son contributing to laundering money ( my personal opinion on what the chinese scammers are doing. ). I dont particularly like being insulted when I was trying to help you, because you don't know what you're getting into. Fact is, you're stealing from paypal indirectly, and they can certainly find you unless proper measures are taken. But you obviously don't care about that.
Woah Woah Woah your accusing me of laundering money????
First off its not my fault his paypal was hacked and secondly ive said Ill refund the money already to them. Im struggling to comprehend how I am stealing their money when someone else got hacked and I didnt know this and Ive said if theires any problems that I will refund it.
It may not be your fault, but to PayPal, thats sure as hell what it looks like. You don't have many options to defend yourself, since you can't exactly confess to scamming. Also, they dont care if you're the one who hacked the money, because to them it all looks the same. A brand new account recieving stolen funds? C'mon.
Just hope they don't come after you. Because believe me, they can. PayPal is a multi-BILLION dollar corporation, which naturally has the staff and resources to track you down. They have people whose sole job is to stop illegal activity on their site.