Its quite an old scam, chances are, your just not finding people that havent heard/fallen for this before =/ keep trying, youll get it eventually
I mean, I do everything by the rules, every single detail, yet the most I manage is like 1k gold out of like 3 hours, when I see people here gaining 5k gold per 30 minutes
I really need 20k gold atm, and it's the only scam I know that's as efficient (have tried others, believe me)
Everytime someone seems interested, they just end up saying "I'm sorry this looks like a scam"
I do EVERYTHING like other people, I even spoke to a guy from the forums who won 80k gold from the TCG scam
Is it failing?
Its quite an old scam, chances are, your just not finding people that havent heard/fallen for this before =/ keep trying, youll get it eventually
just need to play it smooth, the more expirence you get from this the easyer it will be to get round the whole "it looks like a scam"