You already posted this in another section, and this is common sense.
Looking for a host for your phish?
Well then i got what u need, its a really simple website, easy to learn, easy to use and ofc, easy to phish.
So basically go to www. ripway .com (URL doesnt work, dunno why) and from there you make an account (You dont even need mail confirmation) and now you are ready to upload your files, upload them and the link to your phish will be at top of the "My Files"
Now spread it around (Youtube, mailing, whatever suits your style)
and then watch the accounts stream in
You already posted this in another section, and this is common sense.
oh yay something ive never seen before
oh wait...
very origanal
Last edited by breeebreee; 12-13-2008 at 11:22 AM.
oh yay something ive never seen before
oh wait...
fair from legendary
Repost, repost, repost
yeey, yeey, yeey, yeey, yeey
Sadly, this is common sense and a repost... Google for "Free Webhost" and tada...
If a link is sensored, don't find a way around the filter, otherwise you will get infraction points. There's a reason its sensored.
What's a Parog?
Looking for competitive Valorant team!
nice service ! thumbs up