I look for usernames.
This certainly is stereotyping, but whatwhatinthebutt the NE hunter is more likely to be dumb enough rather than somebody with an actual name.
I've been trying scam after scam after scam, and it hasn't been working. Ever. I've managed to get a hold of two usernames/passwords, but than they just change it after I log in after a while. Does anybody have advice for find lolstupidz?
I look for usernames.
This certainly is stereotyping, but whatwhatinthebutt the NE hunter is more likely to be dumb enough rather than somebody with an actual name.
depends on where you trade or what scam your trying. Most people are getting smarter about not going first w/o verifying your legit one way or another. but silverin is sort of on point. when you see names like ipwnzduhard. or ieatthegrease. you know they are either young or scammers themselves. if you pm and some +rep ill point ya in the right direction to a website.. ill even throw you a +positive on there to make ya look a little more legit )
The key is communication. I find with most trade scams i pull, its best to genrally chat abit before on AIM or MSN before you actually go through with scam, this helps because you seem to be laid back i.e make them feel less under pressure and more likely to spill there account stuff first. Just ask them genral stuff like "soo what other games you play?" or "how long you been playing Warcraft & whats making you wanna trade/sell your account? ect"
By asking them stuff you can also gather an idea of how clever they are in genral and how easily they can be manipulated.
The key is not to force the trade to much.
Goodluck dude.