get the email changed to yours, so to do that you need to know his email + password. Also it would help a lot if you knew the SQ+A and if you dont you better hope he forgot it.
Alright, so i just got myself a hold of 3 accounts, but the problem is i only have the username and password, so i can log into his in-game account, and i can view the account managment page, but i need to know how i can make the account more secure in my favor so i can sell / trade / keep or whatever in the future! basically what can i do to make this account more mine then his?
EDIT: Ok so i know have his SQ&A but no email! so how can i get the email changed when i dont know what his is? I know it starts with a T and is a yahoo email, and thats it.
Last edited by dontblink438; 11-23-2008 at 02:33 PM.
get the email changed to yours, so to do that you need to know his email + password. Also it would help a lot if you knew the SQ+A and if you dont you better hope he forgot it.
well i have no idea how im gonna get it, i got his account name and pass from phising, so i have no clue how i would get the other stuff, is there a way to get the stuff off his account? like one of his good characters or something? with only knowing the username and pass?
EDIT: Im 85% positive that i know the SQ&A for one of them, but i guess i just nee his email. I know its a yahoo email if that matters.
Last edited by dontblink438; 11-23-2008 at 04:58 AM.
That's a tough one...
I don't think there's anything you can do if you don't have the Secret Answer and Password.
And you can't change the email, since it requires an email confirmation from the previous email account holder.
You may just f*** around with these accounts, you have to make sure these idiots that fall for your scam put in their SQ/A Otherwise you profit in almost nothing.
Well i think that i do have the SQ&A.
Lets say that i did have the SQ&A, what would be my next move??
You would then change the email address of the account from the Account Name / Password Retrieval thing on the World of Warcraft site.
And then you change the password for the account. And now, the account is yours until he phones Blizzard!
if u know SQ/A , u change email to urs, than you sit and wait, hope he doesnt reacall via phone, if he recalls via phone, u recall back and quickly transfer characters onto yourr own seperate acc with same contact info!
But when i go there it says i need his old email, which i dont know, all i know about it is that it starts with a T and is a yahoo email
you could try going to wow forums, and if u look from there on acc personal info of way to contact him, it might, just MIGHT be the same email, IM me on AIM and i might be able 2 help you
my AIM is
Last edited by Jon Lajoie; 11-23-2008 at 02:35 PM.
Thanks for trying to help pure, anyone else know a way i can get his email? or possibly his last name??
if u can get his last name u can just recall via phone and answer SQ/A and ask em to change email