I could help. Only problem is I don't have AIM I have MSN
Hello. I am fairly new to scamming by a couple weeks. Every time I sign up for a new PayPal and get the money PayPal limits the money. So, I would like to have a partner that will help me and scam with me. There will be straight 50/50 profit cuts between us. There is no wait for the money or anything. As soon as we get the money, we split it right there and then.
A level 70 (recommended but optional)
PayPal Experience
A proxy
Knowledge of scamming
AIM: Unmentional
I could help. Only problem is I don't have AIM I have MSN
Sounds good, even though you got 5 posts and registered nov 2008.
I could help, ive done a few scams myself, got over 30k Gold.
Have AIM, Legit and Fake PayPal, a proxy, and good convincing skills!
AIM: CoFerrelli