Funny Scam
^^ He sent me another 150 dollars to a different paypal^^^
This account was supposed to be only 50 dollars but he kept sending me money. He even forgot about the second account I was going to give him.
I got a little under 400 total.
Last edited by Poofy; 11-15-2008 at 11:16 PM.
He just gave me another 60 dollars for a blank account.
Actually he gave me 150 ****ing bucks WTF Plus 150 more bucks because he sent it to the wrong email. WHAT A DUMBASS
Last edited by Poofy; 11-15-2008 at 10:06 PM.
Active Member
WoW, some people are ridiculous. I've had the same stuff happen to me before, Had one guy send like $1500.00 trying to send $500.00 and he never ended up asking for a refund lol