You could call up Blizzard, if you got all the info that you need, they will tell you / reset it for you
Hello MMOwned members. I bought a account long time ago and didn't get email or nothing. Now I forgot the password of the account and the real owner doesn't remember the Secret Answer. So can I send them mail though webform with only First name, last name, account name and email (not the registered one) but my email. Then send mail about changeing email and saing I forgot the pw of the email. Will it work? I don't need CDKey or something? Only last and first name, accname and My email?^^, It says "Your email" but there is another box I can write Registered email with the account but it is (Optional) so I don't need to write the registered one. Think this will work?
Thanks, Maggibesti.
Edit: I will +rep to the first one to come with a good comment.
Last edited by maggibesti; 11-09-2008 at 10:03 PM.
You could call up Blizzard, if you got all the info that you need, they will tell you / reset it for you
No, I cant call them. Its hard for me to speak english I can write it very well, but when it comes to speak it. Haha, you wouldn't know the diffrens of me speaking english or Chineese
haha, True, but why not just call them anyway?
Im fairly sure that chinese play the same WoW as US/AUS
hehe, anyway I think the webform will work. It says only First Name, last name email(not registered) and accname. So I will hope that works, cause I have spended too much time for the account + got a nice reputation on the server I am on. So the account is worth alot.
I believe that it will work, I have used the same method before when I got an account, and it worked for me. If it's really that hard for you to talk to them, you can email the support and tell them that, so that they understand why, although they might want you to talk to them anyways, just to make sure you're not just lying ;P
Dyslexics... UNTIE!!!! ---- 5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions
sosorry for spam. done now gg.