Hey, i recently got into making my own GameCard scam, and thought, ''Well i made i program, looks like im leet'', but im still quite shit at it. So i want to offer my service FREE OF CHARGE to make any program that has the aim of receiving then sending someones information.
I will work with some basic designs and will do this for ALMOST ANYTHING, whether it be WoW or War Accounts/GameCards, XBL Stuff, anything. Just PM me with the following info...
Type of Scam:
EXE Name:
Information you want:
Email to send info to:
Extra Notes:
Once i have made these files i will upload these to a free host (Mine File Sharing for the MMOwned Community) were you can either download it and re-distribute it or simply use the host for the files.
The files will be made in Visual Basic, so i will also offer you (privately) the source code so you are able to make changes later.
EDIT: OMFG HOW DID I MESS UP THE TITLE!!!! I had WoW Private server in my head, so i typed Server instead of Service... My bad.
--- Thanks Enfeebleness