Call the police.
To cut a long story short, a RL friend of mine got an account of a guy we used to know, but he moved etc, lost contact. Right so, that account got hacked from my RL friend, as he got it from someone else, he had no sq/a, well my friend has give up on the account but so close to WotLK its obvious he wants it back, just doesn't know how. So, we have the old email, firstname, last name, location etc. I have an idea of what the secret question might be but i've locked myslef out of the account and I think the email has been changed, more than likely has.
So, after that, is there anything we can do to recall the account?..
Thank's for any help
Call the police.
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Row row, Fight the power.
Unfortunetly there is really nothing you can do
Sorry =/
Would having the classic & BC cd keys help?
yes, most likely, Although if its locked, nothing may work at all. /unsure
Assuming the account is US:
You're confusing me (and everyone else) by saying you've been locked out of the account. What do you mean, exactly? Is the account locked? A locked account is one that cannot be accessed by anyone until ID is sent. Or are you simply saying that you can't access the account, but the account itself is not locked? If it's the latter...
If you have all the info except for the SQA, yet have the CD-keys, then Billing would probably change the email for you over the phone. Explain that the account is yours and that you have both CD-keys, but you've forgotten the SQA.
Here's Billing's numbers:
Live representatives are on hand Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Pacific Time to answer your questions.
For assistance please call: 1 (800) 592 5499
Users located in Australia should use 1-800-041-378 if they cannot get through with the number above.
Users located in Singapore should use 800-25499273 if they cannot get through with the number above.
Users located in Latin America: Mexico can use 001-888-578-7628; Argentina can use 0800-333-0778 or Chile can use 1230-020-5554 if they cannot get through with the number above.
Other International callers without access to our 800 numbers may use: (949) 955-0283
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
Sorry, realize I chose the wrong wording, luckily I meant locked out as I can't access it through the game or website.
Im in EU and I think the offices are closed atm but I'll be sure to try first thing monday morning, thanks alot for the help
If it's EU then I cannot help you, sorry.
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
Fun fact about the 'Retrieve Password' function. It will tell you if either the mail or the secret answer is incorrect. Example:
So use that and you'll know what your story is going to be. If you have the first and last name then you can fake an ID and send it in. You can say that your e-mail has been hacked or that you forgot your SQA, depending on what the password retriever will tell you.
Currently NOT doing my famed ID service. Do not contact me about it.