Recalling account
I sold my account to about a month ago. Long story short they had agreed to pay me $73 dollars for my account and they only sent me $50 after they had control of it. I contacted them saying if they didn't give me my account back I would call blizzard and get it back. They said they would give it back if I gave them back $72 plus an additional $70 fee for their troubles. They then told me if I did recall the account they would have it banned and contact my local police.
I really feel like I was jipped by what is the worst that could happen if I simply call blizzard and recall my account. I no longer see my character on their site so I think they may have sold it... Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Well, I really don't think anythings going to happen to you. I recalled my rogue that was 56 way back when, and I sold to IGE, and nothing happened. I just returned the money that they gave me for the account, and sold it to IGE. I really dont think they would call the police over, virtual goods. lol
I just talked to one of their customer support people via live chat and apparently they sold my character to some one else. So now the account is under the control of one of their customers what should I do? Just recall or what?
Well you could recall it right now or wait and see if he is going to add Wrath of the lich king