Do not call them many times or they will lock up your account. Just make a new account with the same last name and transfer his characters to your account. Than ban his original and your good.
but now what?
How can I insure that once I take this account over that it is not a simple phone call away from being taken back. I have the name/password, the SQA, and I have access to the email.
I have called Blizzard many times and got them to restore an email by just presenting the SQA, so what would keep the OO from doing this too?
Aside from buying an Authenticator, how can I take this account permanently?
If it's not possible, what suggestions do you have?
Do not call them many times or they will lock up your account. Just make a new account with the same last name and transfer his characters to your account. Than ban his original and your good.
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