You've got the idea, but when transferring don't use your real credit card, go out and buy a visa debit card so they cant trace you. Then use a speedhack or whatnot to ban his account
I recently bumped into an account with a 70 on there which I want. I have the accounts Username , Password and the Name + Last name also have all the phone number and address detail. What I want to do is transfer the 70 to a brand new account and make sure he has no way to get it back. He will know i transferred the character because he will get an email stating that it was transferred. If I transfer it that way then ban his account will that do the trick? Any advice onto what I should do next is greatly appreciated.
You've got the idea, but when transferring don't use your real credit card, go out and buy a visa debit card so they cant trace you. Then use a speedhack or whatnot to ban his account
I think you have to have SQ/A to transfer.
You only need SQ/A of the account your transferring too. Also for visa debit card, where can i get them. I really dont have much knowledge of cards being only 17. Anyways can i obtain one at any store or what?
Also can anyway tell me the best/quickest way to ban an account, people say speedhacks. I would appreciate if someone can link me something they think would be effective.
You need the SQ.A of the Original Account. I just did a transfer last night and it asked me for Original Account SQ.A.
Scammed Gold: 31821g
Thats not true - I have done several transfers. You must be europe, in USA it only asks for the new accounts sq/a
I am USA. I did a character transfer to another account and it asked me for the SQ.A of the ORIGINAL account. That's the only way it makes sense. If they did it your way, I would be able to transfer characters from the accounts that I only have account name and password.
Scammed Gold: 31821g
Well i know 100% for fact about 2 months ago i transferred 2 different accounts to 2 different accounts. Both asked me for the new accounts sq/a and i know that for 100%. I didn't know the SQ/A to either the original accounts, ill transfer this evening and ill even take a screenshot.
All right, take a screenshot and post in this topic.
Scammed Gold: 31821g
I figured its not worth trying since I dont have access to his email.
Trust me on this man. You will need the original accounts secret question or else you will not be able to transfer. Don't waste your CD keys.
Scammed Gold: 31821g
I did this with a full venge warlock named nocturne and got account banned two weeks later.