If it was me I'd xfer the 70, but it all comes down to if you think its worth the $55 or whatever it is to transfer these days (with cdkeys).
Well I to give you a kick off for my question:
I started looking into the eqdkp thing a week ago. Since I am an austrain player (no not the kangaroos the ****ers near germany) I expected a quite easy and stressles scaming process due to the fact that most ppl here are US / ENG, meaning that nearly nobody would look at the same dbs as I do.
So I managed to get about 20 dbs, purchased the Jkain serial (**** it is worth it) and worked through e-mails. and... DAMN got 2 ACCs with full info.
1 of them will never be recalled. 60 oldschooler Acc 2 years inactive
The other was active 70 ful epic and stuff. Maybe recalled but it is weekend rightnow.
So what should I do now? I did not expect to really get an account it was more fun to me than anything else. Should I open up an acc and transfer the 70 (I have really all the information, everything)? or should I continue and search for a char in the t6 area that is worth it. What would you do?
P.S.: best, most informative answer gets a full ger db from me! 6):
If it was me I'd xfer the 70, but it all comes down to if you think its worth the $55 or whatever it is to transfer these days (with cdkeys).
I'd transfer it over since you can always sell it for 200$+ after with full account info and all, if you don't like it.
the chance that you will get a t6 geared char with full info is slim..
Answer in German inc!
Also da ich auch aus Österreich bin dachte ich mal ich helf dir ein bisschen aus.
Den 60er Retro Account würde ich, falls er Spielzeit oben hat, zum scammen benutzen (Turtle Mount Scam usw., les dich einfach ein hier im Forum).
Wenn dir der epische 70er Charakter zusagt würde ich ihn aufjedenfall transferieren.
Dazu kaufst du dir ein neues WoW TBC und erstellst dir nen Account (WICHTIG: selber Vor - und Nachname wie auf dem gescammten Account).
Dann gehst du am Wochenende in die Accountverwaltung des gescammten Acc (WICHTIG: nicht das PW ändern, sonst merkt er was bevorsteht) und transferierst den Charakter auf den neuen Account den du dir selbst erstellst hast.
Danach lässt du den gecammten Acc bannen (GMs flamen, Trade channel mit Goldwerbung zuspammen etc.) und der Charakter gehört dir.
Danach kannst du ihn selbst spielen oder verkaufen.
Hoffe ich konnte helfen.
war wohl die beste antwort, ich schick dir später ne pm mit der db wenn du willst!
THX :wave:
gerne, danke dir