First name, last name, CDkey, SQ/A.
I gave my account to a ingame friend
It was a druid feral DPS
I checked him today and he is completely decked out with 1337 resto gear
I changed the email but
I have full info including SQ/A
The account was my cousins so i will get her to phone in
My question is
What info must i provide for the account to be retreived?
First name, last name, CDkey, SQ/A.
I aint got no CD keys. will it still work?
I have last name
Previously used passwords
previous email
acc name
Thats pretty much all i got
What are the possibillities i could getem back
That is all you need, you do not need the CD keys or even the SQ/SA to get a email changed, you can get a email changed with the following info total
First Name
Last Name
Account Name
Address registered to account (and city/state) (that's how I got a email changed once when cd keys and sa was wrong)
CD keys
So to answer your question, yes, you have enough info to get it recalled.