It's probably just use, but if it isn't edit the things you changed back in.
When I made my phisher site for another website I done the simple method where you copy source then have info.txt/Login.html/Submit.php.
Sometimes when I go onto the Login.html and edit some text slightly the pictures will dissapear from it?
Is this just for me vewing it or do others see?
+Rep to any that can find the problem
Was using: Welcome to - free file hosting, free music hosting, direct linking
Last edited by Dionesos; 08-16-2008 at 11:08 AM.
It's probably just use, but if it isn't edit the things you changed back in.
Odds are you messed something up on your editing. Without showing us the site to look at it's almost impossible for us to guess what you did wrong.
All I edit is some simple text
"use this form to change password"
"use this form to certify account is yours"
And when I change back pictures still dont reapear unless I create a new .html with original source.
You may have accidentally edited more then just that text. Maybe you edited out a quotation mark for example.
Im pretty sure I didnt but ille try again anyway if all else fails then ille post site so someone can check it out.