[HELP] I have a guys username and pass, what now? menu

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  1. #1
    Clowney's Avatar Member
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    [HELP] I have a guys username and pass, what now?

    [HELP] I have a guys username and pass, what now?
    So is there anything i can do with only a guys pass and username?

    [HELP] I have a guys username and pass, what now?
  2. #2
    Verye's Avatar The WoW Lawyer
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    Not really, no.

    You could ruin his social life though by insulting people in his guild chat, and then sharding all of his gear, then giving the shards to random people, and then sending tons of gold/shards to someone by mail saying "here u go dude i got the goods."

    Then replace all of his actionbar icons with one spell. Like, if he's a Hunter, I recommend Feign Death. If he's a Warlock, do Underwater Breathing. If he's a Mage, do Arcane Intelligence (he needs more intelligence, get it).

    Then respec him and give him an awful, awful spec.

    Then delete both of his professions. Then buy a dress, a granny hood, and a flower off of the AH. Then go to Nagrand and fly up to a big floating rock. Be sure there is no water under the rock. Then, delete all of his flying mounts, and delete his Hearthstone. Once again, make sure there's no water underneath, because he could just jump down and land in the water and be fine.

    If he's a Priest, delete his Light Feathers too, since he could use those to Levitate down.

    Anyway, if you do it right, and if he's not a Mage, then the only way for him to get down is to jump off the rock, thus killing himself. The only way to prevent it is:

    A. Getting a summon or getting someone to queue you for a BG (all his friends hate him now, though, so this is unlikely and time consuming).
    B. Being a Mage and porting to a main city (if he's a Mage, don't bother doing this last part).
    C. Using the auto-unstuck button. No one ever thinks of that, though.

    Have fun!
    Last edited by Verye; 08-14-2008 at 07:10 PM.
    Link to my guide: https://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-g...rd-policy.html | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Clowney's Avatar Member
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    So could someone please tell me what I can do with the different info? Like if I only SQ&A or Username and email and so on.

  4. #4
    Barnzy's Avatar Member
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    you wont be able 2 ..... + rep me muahahhaha

  5. #5
    mrtpyo's Avatar Member
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    You could wait until he's asleep, log on, then sell all his gold.

  6. #6
    olemortenm's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Verye View Post
    Not really, no.

    You could ruin his social life though by insulting people in his guild chat, and then sharding all of his gear, then giving the shards to random people, and then sending tons of gold/shards to someone by mail saying "here u go dude i got the goods."

    Then replace all of his actionbar icons with one spell. Like, if he's a Hunter, I recommend Feign Death. If he's a Warlock, do Underwater Breathing. If he's a Mage, do Arcane Intelligence (he needs more intelligence, get it).

    Then delete both of his professions. Then buy a dress, a granny hood, and a flower off of the AH. Then go to Nagrand and fly up to a big floating rock. Be sure there is no water under the rock. Then, delete all of his flying mounts, and delete his Hearthstone. Once again, make sure there's no water underneath, because he could just jump down and land in the water and be fine.

    If he's a Priest, delete his Light Feathers too, since he could use those to Levitate down.

    Anyway, if you do it right, and if he's not a Mage, then the only way for him to get down is to jump off the rock, thus killing himself. The only way to prevent it is:

    A. Getting a summon or getting someone to queue you for a BG (all his friends hate him now, though, so this is unlikely and time consuming).
    B. Being a Mage and porting to a main city (if he's a Mage, don't bother doing this last part).
    C. Using the auto-unstuck button. No one ever thinks of that, though.

    Have fun!

    Oh my god, you truly are an evil genius! :O

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