I wouldn't be scared unless you didn't want to go to the fudge packing motel.
/end sarcasm
Just so you know IP has nothing to do with your OS. It has to do with having a dynamic IP or a static IP if you want to change it.
Hey , I tryed this scam
I got away with it 3 times , but by the 4th time I forgot to use a proxy on paypal and they sent me an e-mail telling me what IP , I was using when I bought gold....Should I worry about anything? If I should be worrying , how can I change my IP on vista?Thanks.
I wouldn't be scared unless you didn't want to go to the fudge packing motel.
/end sarcasm
Just so you know IP has nothing to do with your OS. It has to do with having a dynamic IP or a static IP if you want to change it.
They have your IP address. They have everything about you.
See my guide in the future and this'll never happen.
But for now, pay them the money back. Unless you want to go to jail for fraud.
Yeh, tis best to pay them back.
Luckily I only got to spend 43$ the time I got caught , should I even worry about paying that back?