Its weird I just got this too i was like wtf in outlook express is it some kind of joke going on or ?
Well today I just started phishing and it's going well got 3 accs so far and well i was surfing on some guild pages and searching for emails and then i went on here and opened some random scamming topic, when a mail came (like when your writing some1 a mail) up saying something like this :
To George.Bush.whitehouse.gvm (George bush's info or something)
From -
Subject Hey george i just wanted to tell you that i love you and i want to have your babies "Your name here"
Is some1 messing with me or is this just some lame popup shit?
Last edited by Markiez; 06-06-2008 at 04:22 PM.
Its weird I just got this too i was like wtf in outlook express is it some kind of joke going on or ?
Yeah, but it calms me down that it's just not me that is getting it. Must be a joke or something. Yeah it opened outlook express for me too.
Run a virus check, its a virus (harmless i believe).
But, if you followed a certain link, you might be infected with a virus that deletes your STEAM game database. If you recieved that "i love you" message, run a virus check.
If you need help with scamming, go to
That thread includes a list of my guides, including
Scamming Tip (How to obtain e-mails easily)
Phone Conversations you may have with blizzard
I ran a virus scan on AVG free and Ad-Aware and didn't found any serious viruses / spyware only privacy or warnings, any other anti virus i should use?.
And trancehax, what does has to do with this popup ?
Last edited by Markiez; 06-07-2008 at 06:52 AM.
How do i get rid of it? What anti virus?