all you need to do is use a speed hack in a bg or some sort of hack that can be found very easy and used around alot of people
all you need to do is use a speed hack in a bg or some sort of hack that can be found very easy and used around alot of people
If you see a post worth it +Rep
Orrr... yell "F U C K" in trade chat or something really offensive and that is a ban. A lot. In trade
speedhack in a main city and spam trade chat with a bunch of pron and stuff
use emuhacks
Donator 6/2008.Contrib 8/2008.Elite 10/2008.Newsteam 11/2008.Legendary 2/2009.
emu = private server
emuhacks = hacks for private servers
aka most emuhacks don't work on retail.
to get an account banned asap:
use a speed hack like cheat engine or something & run around in a capital city with loads of ppl in it, make multiple macros saying you hope everyone in orgrimmar (or w/e place u are) gets an STD and dies.
say you love to bot your characters to 70 and you have a collection of bots/hacks etc.
say that you hate people of a different skin color (no im not racist)
keep spamming trade with these macros, if possible try to scam some people too.
Using detectable hacks will only get you a 72 hour ban. Yelling profanity gets you a 24 hour ban I think.
Try using speeder, set it to max settings, and pretty soon you should be banned.
i used speeder an screamed WTB ****** ELIMINATOR... lol was pretty funny considering im black an that would be something that i would never scream was kinda fun got banned in say 5hours gg