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  1. #1
    Evolutionary's Avatar Member
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    Need help with 2 different Scams.

    Need help with 2 different Scams.
    Ok the two most amazing scams i've read thus far, are the ones involving scamming a chinese gold scammer into sending you money, or sending a gold company money, then using the money before it gets retracted by paypal. Here are my two problems!

    -- (This is the scam involving having a fake paypal and sending the money to a gold company quickly after receiving it) - Beerstuds scam--

    Ok cool the other night, got 2 idiot gold scammers to both send me 275 bucks at once, ended up with 550 bucks in my paypal (Big smile on my face) Then tried to place orders with multiple gold companies (None of which had fast delivery anyway [i only know because i tried a different scam and it didnt work]) at this time im stalling the shit out of the account scammers, and attempting to send the money to the gold companies. Then im hit with the disapointment stick. Limited access. I was only able to receive money, but could not send, untill I added a Credit Card and a Bank account (**** THAT! LoL).

    So what are people doing to prevent your account from this limited access?

    As soon as the account scammers send me money, I quickly hit ACCEPT - Tab over to my gold buying website, and hit Enter (all info is already filled in) in order to direct me to paypal. I type in my paypal information and like I stated earlier, I was unable to send money.

    Any Ideas?

    --(This is the Scam where you have the account scammers, send their money directly to a gold company) Sigoth's scam--

    Finding a gold company that had around 10-20k gold on my server (Daggerspine) And even if they did have the gold, they couldnt agree to under 24hour delivery (Of course some companys aid it could be earlier, but as soon as the account scammers dispute, they lose the money, I get no gold lol) So if someone could send me some fast websites that would be great, i must of opened like 45 live chats lol

    Ok so I was able to have one chinese account scammer send 500$ to wowmine. Wowmine recieved the money and told me that i should of only sent 475 or some shit. So i told them keep the extra 25 and just get me the gold as soon as possible (I was on a lowbie alt in silvermoon) Wowmine went around and around about confirming my order, and of course after 20 minutes of stalling the account scammer, he finally called me a scammer, and disputed the payment to wowmine. Wowmine then told me that they returned my money. WTF LOL.

    >>>Basically im having trouble finding good companys to have send me quick gold.<<<

    By the way I found this quite funny. When I sent the accountscammer the wowmine paypal email he replied, WOW 1000+ feedback, i then replied, lol yeah, i sell alot of stuff online .

    So any help?

    ::Thanks guys::
    Last edited by Evolutionary; 06-01-2008 at 06:25 PM.

    Need help with 2 different Scams.
  2. #2
    ubrpwnt's Avatar Banned
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    Not an expert on paypal but I believe you have to have your real credit card to send money, or it may be that the money sent to you hasn't cleared yet so you can't send it out.
    I didn't see any questions in the second one, just a copy and paste off a paragraph on Sigoth's thread.

  3. #3
    Evolutionary's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by ubrpwnt View Post
    Not an expert on paypal but I believe you have to have your real credit card to send money, or it may be that the money sent to you hasn't cleared yet so you can't send it out.
    I didn't see any questions in the second one, just a copy and paste off a paragraph on Sigoth's thread.
    hhm thanks for the help, i edited my original post, but i was basically just asking what companies have extremely quick delivery with a large stock.

  4. #4
    ubrpwnt's Avatar Banned
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    Ah I can't really help you out there, I haven't really tried this scam yet to be honest. Probably will though. Anyways, good luck on finding a website.

  5. #5
    lars1414's Avatar Member
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    Why were you referring to the chinese account buyer as a chinese account scammer? He is not scamming, he's actually buying the account lol.

    And about the pricing thing. Just get the gold price first and then give that price to the account buyer.

    What websites were you using? I haven't been able to find any gold sellers msn/aim's. (Although I didn't spend that much time looking xD)

    I am probably going to try this scam tomorrow.

  6. #6
    Evolutionary's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by lars1414 View Post
    Why were you referring to the chinese account buyer as a chinese account scammer? He is not scamming, he's actually buying the account lol.

    And about the pricing thing. Just get the gold price first and then give that price to the account buyer.

    What websites were you using? I haven't been able to find any gold sellers msn/aim's. (Although I didn't spend that much time looking xD)

    I am probably going to try this scam tomorrow.
    lol.. Because as soon as they have your account information, they retract their money. Making them account scammers

    I used soo many different websites i dont even remember lol.

    basically type buy wow gold, in google search, and ive tried EVERY one from pages 1-5 lol

  7. #7
    lars1414's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Evolutionary View Post
    lol.. Because as soon as they have your account information, they retract their money. Making them account scammers

    I used soo many different websites i dont even remember lol.

    basically type buy wow gold, in google search, and ive tried EVERY one from pages 1-5 lol
    Alright thanks, tell me if you can remember a site lol

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