bump! i scamed
bump! i scamed
morosear, have you broken any rules that are not the blizz ones? If so then ya, you can be trialed. But as long as you only break blizz laws you can only have an account banned.
Nervours :O
in some places u can get actions for scamming, (within wow, fraud ive heard)
I dont think you can have any serious consequences from scamming account.
Guys And Gals. Just Go On Google And Download "Tor" Its a Proxy Changer.
That Way You Dont Get Caught + If You Are Calling Blizzy Just Use a Number Blocker. Here In Canada Its Free. It Will Drop The Chance You Get Caught By 50% At Least.
Use The Search Button And Look For Guides On "Tor" Or "IP Changer".
Depend on the place you live.
Check blizz EULA. Pretty much everything in there won't get you in jail.
If you're really scared, talk to a lawyer.
i dont think you can go to jail bcos of scamming .... dont think you should worry
Yes, the maximum penalty for scamming a World of Warcraft account is 20 years in prison.
Link to my guide: https://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-g...rd-policy.html | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
You can call it what you like, but its still "Theft". ie. You purposely deprived someone of their porperty.
Is it likely the Police will investigate? Not really. However: If the person who's account you stole wanted to persue the matter they could indeed make a private claim and approach blizzard for IP's etc etc. Obviously doing so requires money, and its unlikely that your average wow player will bother. However you could be unlucky and have scammed the acount of DA's son:P
you go jail they ask why you scammed ppl ^^ +Rep+Rep
Normally I would not be so brash, but you are stating this as if you know for certain.
All accounts are full property of Blizzard.
Yes, stealing property is considered theft, but an account is not your property in any way, shape, or form.
You can't steal something that does not belong to someone in the first place.
Nothing can be done to you if you steal a WoW account. Nothing.
Now, there are certain things that have to do with stealing WoW accounts that can have potential legal problems.
If you sell an account, and it gets recalled, and you already spent the money...Paypal and/or your CC company may call you and harass you until you pay back the money you owe.
Also, technically, all impersonation of Blizzard is illegal. Meaning, phishing is illegal. The chances of you being caught or prosecuted for that, though, are incredibly slim.
You do not break any laws just by offering to trade an account with someone and then blocking them after they change the account's email to your email address.
Link to my guide: https://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-g...rd-policy.html | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.