That's a bummer dude.
I wouldn't know. I don't scam
That's a bummer dude.
I wouldn't know. I don't scam
Don't care about the victims. =D...The only time I feel bad is when they are like when they have been playing for about a year or two
I actually just gave him 20g extra right now. O.o.
If they recall their account once, i let them keep it.
If they are stupid to fall for the scam twice (first = giving me info...second = believing their banned) they deserve it. Probably doing them a favour anyway, get them a life.
If you need help with scamming, go to
That thread includes a list of my guides, including
Scamming Tip (How to obtain e-mails easily)
Phone Conversations you may have with blizzard
I personally cant do it. I cant sleep at nights...i feel like macbeth!! One guy wanted to trade gold on my server for gold on another server. I asked him that if he sent the gold right now, i would log onto the other character (which i didnt have), and send him that same ammount.
He believed me and sent me the gold. I logged off. I couldnt stand it after days of dieing inside...i logged back on. He wasnt online. Sent him the money and my honest heart.
IMO dont have a heart everyone is trying to make something of themselfs in this world or be a hunter or be the prey and well im the hunter
dont take this personal is my only tip
you just do it really dont think about it this person is no way connected to you
I dont see how people can say 'Oh I fell like im dieing inside' etc... :s its a game.. if the guy falls for it no joy for him, u win.
EDIT: My advice, when scamming, use social skills (be polite, add the occasional thing u would say to a mate) but dont get TOO friendly with him, or else theres a bigger chance u will feel bad.
It's best to target 70's even tho they may be more aware, mainly because theres gona be more gold involved, and they think they've seen it all.
I can't feel pity in a game, tbh. Although if i scam accounts, i always cancel payment and if they recall let them keep it.
i always cancel payment and if they recall let them keep it. Is Good Do If You Think Some 1 Is Hacking your account.
I have lost so many things in my real life so i don't actually have "heart" anymore.......
advice: lose something REALLY important
why be sympathetic? its just a game.