Don't just hack, hack HARDCORE, get a 40 man raid and jump over Stormwind a few times with fly/speed/jump hack!
I have been trying all kind of different cheat programs cheat engine,even EMU hacker which is meant for private servers,and I always get 72 hour suspension.I was wondering if anyone know of any program which can get you perm ban on clean account ( no previous warnings ) Or do you have to do something alse besides cheating - use racial slurs,nasty comments,sexual harrasment etc...
Don't just hack, hack HARDCORE, get a 40 man raid and jump over Stormwind a few times with fly/speed/jump hack!
Richard rules!
LOL! best try them on private server first man.
I got banned permamently for using speedhack
On live server.So dont hack unless you want a bann.
My friend only got a 3 day ban when he used a speed hacker...he was a dumbass and used it on his main.
I do want a ban lol for scammed account
So Gripen2 how did you get a perm ban via speedhacking ? Did you use cheat engine or some other program ? Coz with cheat engine I always get only 72 h suspensions...