It's possible that no one reported you.
on live server 5 days ago and I still haven't been banned.I mean WTF ? I was speedhacking in sw mount climbing all over the place,teleporting ( instant dc ) but no ban ? Shouldn't EMU hacker and old BWH 1.8 be instant ban ? Shouldn't warden detect this ? I dont understand what's going on ? Do I have to talk to somebody about cheating ? Use racial slurs ? Can't I just get banned while using 3 cheating programs which should be detectable by warden ?
Please help me here,I dont understand I didn't even get 72 h suspension ! How to get banned without talking to anybody ? Is it even posible ? And how come blizzard allows blatant cheating like this ?
Last edited by rpglord; 05-10-2008 at 10:20 AM.
It's possible that no one reported you.
Link to my guide: | I'm retired, please don't PM me. Thanks.
He sure did it on a private server since Emu hacker doesent work on Live realm..
Wowemuhacker does work on live server,its just that for most of the functions you get disconnected.
Anyways I figured out what is going on.I tried this again 3 times on 3 diffrent US servers and got 72 h suspension within minutes.When I first tried this,it was on oceanic server.It seems you can do whatever you want on oceaninc or something,gotta test this more.
Now if only I knew how to get perm ban,not 72 hour suspensions...