I think it's great that your doing this!
You can definitely expect an IM from me in the near future. I would love to have
a chat with you!
OoOoooOoHhhH! Look who got the first comment!!
Thanks again. Talk to you soon!
*Help Service*
I posted a thread about taking in 5 scammers to teach em how to scam but it was locked so instead I'll just help scammers out. Also since I can't post my opinions/criticism on scam threads anymore I will be giving those out via AIM.
What I will be doing is answering Questions and Giving out criticism/ratings on scams. I can help improve your scams or simply give you tips on how to scam better.
What I Won't be doing is scamming for you in anyway possible. I will not middleman for your nor will I help you during a scam process. I will not in any way help in a phishing scam.
Before I help or Launder you must post in this thread saying "talking to you now" or something around those lines
I will be offering professional laundering services for free if I have time. IM me to see if I have time.
- Have the account ready with the gold
- You must be signed on with your main
- Follow my instructions if any.
I take donations of all kind, however I will simply raffle them off here at mmowned so please if I have helped you donate it so I can help out others.
P.S. I don't care if you are a leecher my help is for everyone if you do not obey my simple rules then I will block you.
*To Keep the thread alive you can post here a little comment if I have helped you that way I can help more people.
Aim - Sineater213
Msn - [email protected]
Last edited by sineater213; 05-09-2008 at 07:33 PM. Reason: new service
I think it's great that your doing this!
You can definitely expect an IM from me in the near future. I would love to have
a chat with you!
OoOoooOoHhhH! Look who got the first comment!!
Thanks again. Talk to you soon!
sineater213, Got msn? Or are there other ways that I can contact you? Im too lazy to make a AIM acc![]()
Abra su mente a la realidad.
Do NOT contact me about trading section stuff. Contact a section MOD instead.
im to lazy to make an msn but email if you want [email protected]
talking to you now...
Again I don't have any accounts and no I will not help you scam. I have an msn now since most people prefer it.
[email protected]
I added your msn![]()
Abra su mente a la realidad.
Do NOT contact me about trading section stuff. Contact a section MOD instead.
Added you![]()
Just talked to him in AIM, was a really nice conversation and I just can say thanks for the help again.
talking to you now.
anytime guys
thanks mate for helping and giving some tips![]()
sineater213 helped me a bunch before i was going to do a scam..Hes a great guy.
Dont be a dick to him bcuz hes helped a lot!
Thanks sineater213
a new hope!! haha
lol thanks for the support sineater is fine btw =p