Send me a PM with your MSN (if you have one) and I'll help you out.
I am not a noob scammer here, I am trying to get a few things to help the scamming work even more (I get at least 3 T3+ accts per day). I keep getting asked to pay these people before they give me the accounts, (Which I will not do, Because im scamming them anyhow). I need a few more things though.
Can someone come up with a fake Pay-Pal reciept, and, a fake Western Union recipt for me please?
When people ask me if my 'Company' I come up with, has a Web Site.. I say no, they kind of dont like to hear that, and it loses the scam (yes I have tried saying the site is down, because we are trying to add a gold selling order form there, because we use the accounts to gold farm, and sell the gold). They want to know when the site will be back, and to be honest, there is no site at all. haha. So that just lost more people.
I need to give them some sort of site to work with.
Guys, I am good at scamming these types of things, you may know my screen name pretty well, Kylel2972 from scamming people.
Contact me on AIM at Kylel2972 if you would like to help me out here, I will give you accounts I scam if anyone is interested in helpping me with these things.
Send me a PM with your MSN (if you have one) and I'll help you out.
My MSN is [email protected]
I cannot PM you, because I haven't gotten 10 posts on here yet.
I view these forums every day, but I don't post often, I have no reputation on here yet, Thats soon to come =]
Just got a full T6 UD rogue btw =]