change the recovery to make it really hard.
Scammed an account today, had a 70 warlock...i got the answer to his secret question, his email...account name....adress zip code
everything i think i need
question is, what do i do with the answer to his secret question...what do i do to make this really hard for him to recall it?
Suggestions please.....
Ill use the account for about 1 week to do scams on my server, and the person who gives most help can have the account when im done with it
change the recovery to make it really hard.
If you have his first name and second name you can tell Blizzard to change the SQA. If you do that and you also have the mail I think you are pretty secure.. I have done that and it works.. Write all info Blizzard could be interested in, everything you know
Just wondering how to change the not suer where to go, im on his WoW account page right now..
2 sec mate, Ill give you a link
There's really nothing you can do to make it "harder" for him to recall it. As long as he has the name that MADE the account, the cd key, and the sqa, he can recall it. And there's nothing you can do about that. However, if you have all the info, you can recall it right back. But, once you have done it so many times, they will require that you fax them your ID and all your info for the account. So, maybe the kid will just be stupid and won't recall it.
I shocking love loveshock! ... and Saaen!
Okey, go here = World of Warcraft Europe -> Support Webform
As first name and second name you write the names that are registered on the scammed account.. All info in that webform will have to match the info for the scammed account..
It should work.Please ask if there is anymore questions.
yes. you can if you have enough info
Really strange. Blizzard ask if you want to change the SQA after the account has been compromised.When my account was scammed, Blizz said the sqa was permanent.
Where is the wowlawyer when we need him?