Asking advice is still asking something. Anyway, your post isn't very clear. If he deleted your main char then open a ticket and restore.
ok IM VERY sorry this isnt a questions part but i need sick advise now cuz idk if i will get banned
ok well i did a scam today about how you make a name of the guild leader like shadowsbank.
and i did that got invited then he promoted me then i took all of it then one of my internet friends was helping me so itrusted him i like gave him all the items then deleted my guy but he was suppsed to sell it but he scamed me and said ahha noob im reporting you and im giving this to the guy you scamed i need help
sorry again but this is on my main account
Asking advice is still asking something. Anyway, your post isn't very clear. If he deleted your main char then open a ticket and restore.
Currently NOT doing my famed ID service. Do not contact me about it.
Basically he did the guild leader alt scam to loot a gbank, gave the looted items to his 'friend' who then took the items for himself and threatened to report him. Therefore he got scammed himself.
To the OP, not much you can do, you scammed and blizz will have logs of it unfortunately if the guy does indeed report you. :/
Oh. He can't report you, they'd catch him.
Currently NOT doing my famed ID service. Do not contact me about it.
Oh, well I doubt he would. But if he does, well in that case you're screwed. Use the time you're suspended to your advantage and learn to type better. =D
Some internet friend that is.
Currently NOT doing my famed ID service. Do not contact me about it.
long story short
He Reports you both get banned if he doesnt just go on and use a charcter restroe and most liekly blizz wil lsay f u to him and leave it alone
Last edited by Kuiren; 03-16-2008 at 02:40 PM.
I say one thing:
JUSTICE! (you deserved it dude, scammin is bad, hahahahahahahahaha)