Can i get it plz my wow account is banned because of powerleveling and i don't have any account because onmywaygame did so my account was banned.
This account I recently got. I picked up a level 80 rogue/pally/deathknight all on the same acc with nice gear. I'm not doing numbers or any of that stuff, but the min requirement is contrib and leave a post saying why you want the acc.
Also. You may be able to bribe me with some CD Keys O.o
I have the full info to the acc too so...
EDIT: Acc has been givin away
Last edited by ownage210; 07-02-2009 at 02:06 PM. Reason: Acc given away
Can i get it plz my wow account is banned because of powerleveling and i don't have any account because onmywaygame did so my account was banned.
Miss-reading, didn't see it was contributor only.
Last edited by Vcertno; 07-01-2009 at 01:27 PM.
Contributors only please
I would like to get this account, because of paladin and rogue.
I always dreamed having 3 high level classes raid ready:
Shaman, Paladin, Rogue but it was too boring to level them.
Maybe I would transfer them to my account if I would get it.
I would do some hardcore raiding and PvP with them.
Thanks for reading.
why giving to contrib, they don't bother on scammed account, when they can scam the one they want easly. For the cd keys, tell me which info you get on the account.
you want to gie them things they can do easly.
Why I want it:
I want to obtain this account so that I can give it to my best bud who I've played wow with for the past 2 years. We both took a long break from WoW (about 6 months) and now are both coming back to the game. I can afford my account but unfortunately not his. We'll take the best care possible of these characters (transfer them to a new acc, buy a new acc for them, and even the USB secure device) as these will be his main characters.
What you get:
For your help I can design you a free phisher (for any game or website).
Design you a professional looking website, custom graphics, logos, whatever, you name it!
Include a free (100% legit, I'll buy it) 60 day time card. (You get this AFTER I finish transferring and securing the toons.)
You also get 1 Christina Hug (redeemable only in person, and you have to find me, expires tomorrow.)
Much Love,
Well, hot damn I don't think I'll win.
I would like it because: I love paladins,but I'm too lazy too actually level it, and the people I've tried too get too power level me are never trustworthy lol.
I also would like it because I can actually boost my toons up with it, meaning I could get a paladin lvl 60+ on MY account /flex.
Wow, gratz on that acc!
Too bad I'm not a contributor, I'm soo wanting a rogue =/
Is there any way I could trade just the rogue for something? I'll transfer him to a new acc and all that.
Still deciding
Christina, made nice offer, I think we have no chances.
But Hope Never Die.
Thanks so much ownage! The account isn't exactly how you said though, it's better! The rogue has thunderfury! :O :O!
Thanks so much,
Forever in your debt!
Holy shit I hope you get to keep it. =) thunderfury ftw
"As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. But the wind passes over, and soon all disappears; and his place will no more exist."
better get on that hug ownage, gogo!
Nice score ownage.