Im not sure how far you guys can get with these accounts. But here are the PWs you can dick around with them if you like.
Account: [email protected]
Password: z2345678
Email: [email protected]
email PW is diff and the account
has parental controls that dont allow him to play before 3pm
Parental Controls PW is diff than account.
* Swixx
* Level 80 NightElf Warrior
* Realm: Andorhal
Stûn 20 Magtheridon
Debtor 63 Magtheridon
Tötems 6 Crushridge
Staab 18 Crushridge
Healthypoop 55 Ysondre
Faxmachine 2 Ysondre
Anonemoose 22 Ysondre
Winshot 59 Andorhal
Tehsneaky 6 Andorhal
Qn 6 Andorhal
Processor 68 Andorhal
Billy 13 Andorhal
Oneofthem 1 Darkspear
Account: Thunder1994
Password: cynder2009
Email: [email protected]
email PW is diff than the account
Unholylight 19 Shu'halo
Twotoemenace 35 Shu'halo
Poisoneater 21 Shu'halo
Orcyorcone 11 Shu'halo
Nowwhat 6 Shu'halo
Malefor 26 Shu'halo
Hatinglife 13 Shu'halo
Darkanddusky 6 Shu'halo
Creepyelf 15 Shu'halo
Crappyorc 3 Shu'halo
Twofeets 1 Anetheron
Femalepoison 1 Anetheron
Unholycrap 3 Aerie Peak
I'm not sure what is on each account, I have confirmed that both accounts are active and both accounts have characters, The first one has atleast one level 80(not sure of class or spec or even race)
Account 2 has atleast a level 19 BE Paladin, but is Wrath upgraded.(Possible to have a level 80 or two)
So, do what you can with these, I can't seem to do anything worth while with them.