Msged you =)
Will give away these accounts for a good motivation, PM me why you should get a account.
Update: Okay guys, i have got some good motivations why i should give away the accounts, but i get PM's with like "hello, i love wow, can i have the account?". That wont get you the account Keep PM'ing! Will decide who that will get an account before sunday. Oh and btw, please say what account you want also when you PM.
Account 1:
80 Horde Mage
Chance of getting recalled: 10%
Got: SQ, Full name and adress, CDkey, Mail
Active: Yes
Account 2:
80 Horde Mage; Good professions and gear
70 Horde Warrior; Yah..
60 Ally Paladin; Yah..
Chance of getting recalled: 10%
Got: SQ, Full name and adress, Mail
Active: No
Good luck!
Last edited by Easyrase; 06-04-2009 at 04:13 PM.
Msged you =)
Last edited by Bad; 06-04-2009 at 08:50 AM.
You have a PM from me, sir!
PM'ed mate.
thanks for doing this!
I am Swedish and I like green! And most other colours too!
PM'ed :P hope i'll get it
Pm u hope i get one
PM'ed you ^^
Pmed. ____________________________
Pm'ed! Hope i get one
It's been a while
PM'ed you! Good Luck Mates!!!
Pm'ed you good luck to everyone.
Pm'd hope to get one
PM'ed (fillar)
Anyone got one yet?
GL if not
It's been a while