56 filler filler
I got this account for few months, it is frozen since february...
There is a 70 female human lock on it, with alchemy/herbalisam, normal flying, full tbc epic and like 3k gold
I want to give it to someone who will play on it, not scam or rape it.
I have user/pass and email.
Guess a number between 1-100 and you get it
Last edited by Odd; 05-01-2009 at 09:11 AM.
56 filler filler
37 - Damn i want a lock soo bad >.>
Bah! :yuck: I want another cookie!
1 ---------
nope sorry
77 Filzorrr
13 [fillah]
Nope... Not yet
72 fillaz moar fillaz
Uther was always alive but he cba to go back to crappy ol' Stormwind so he was chillin down in Orgrimmar disguised as Gamon
99 waka waka
Want to trade a steam account with The Orange Box for a WoW account or a steam account with Counter Strike Source
3 filzorsorsorsors