cant u give it to the first post?^^
:wave::wave: WELCOME!! :wave::wave:
im am giving away a frozen [EU] accont to the person who can guess the number im thinkg between 1-250 or to somebody with a [US] accont gets it right away (i only have Username/pass im pretty sure it wont be recalled)
EDIT: for those that say once u put a GC on it ill recall it ..... well your wrong cuz A) i dont play EU and B) im not the owner of the accont
Last edited by lordwow1; 04-19-2009 at 01:14 PM.
cant u give it to the first post?^^
well, its forzen, he can just recall perhaps if you pay, so act at your own risk
100 (fillzorz)
65? I don't know really...
157 asdasdasdasdasdaswqeq
xD its obviously not 1, its never 1 neither 250 but id need a account :P
219! (fillerzor)
42! I hope i win
Izzy05 actually took mine.
I'll go with 23.
no ones got it yet keep posting!!!![]()
46 i need a spare eu tbh
ok theni try number 2!
xD Its never an number from 1-10 ;P
My guess is 250![]()
175 (filler)