None work, tried all of them, and there was only 1 view.
EDIT: I tried US.
None work, tried all of them, and there was only 1 view.
EDIT: I tried US.
the two last ones were already used.
First one was EU and has been used.
duh. Leechers got em and didnt even rep ...
"cant gain rep in this section"
your allowed to rep your other threads for recieving rep, :/
WTT wtlk acc, 70 ele shammie/ 19 epic huntard x2 39 good geared twinks for goldies on trollbane, know all info + SQ/A an can change acc to ur email it a EU acc an perfect for scamming. priv message me. :wave:
There was only 1 view and I tried them all on US. They didn't work. He posted fake codes, "I don't know if they are EU or US codes..." His "cushion" to fall back on if someone says they're fake codes.
What about EU? They might have been EU.
killah dude already said that they were EU and were used. And came almost 1sec after me.
As a matter of fact game I wasnt trying to cushion anything. I took them straight from my email and put them here. Now if people sent me fake codes is beyond me. I apologize if they were fake/used just trying to help people out here, even though some are greedy and just leech crap....
Aight, np. It's just A LOT of people have been doing this lately. (I confronted one, and got him to give me a real code)